
I was really lucky because the graduate students were unionized at my state university system, so we received the same insurance as faculty, for free, as part of our stipend package. It was brilliant, and honestly probably saved a friend’s life when they had pre-cancerous tumors in the lymph nodes in their neck. I’m

Oh, no, Notre Dame is very “conservative rural Catholic.” You know, Protestantism, but with purgatory.

At obscenely expensive rates, yeah. I was in undergrad 2010-2014 and had the option of buying it. When I was in grad school (at another university), 2014-2017, students were required to carry a certain amount of health insurance, and were required to enroll in the university’s overpriced horseshit if they didn’t

Aw this is bullshit. Obviously Trump and his enablers are vindictive reprobates who want to control women under the guise of some insincerely asserted moral beliefs but COME ON. I don’t know why I thought Notre Dame would be better than to sink to this but I did. I know it’s Catholic, but I thought it was

lol cute. My ex used to do that to me ALL. THE. TIME. Except instead of giggling and calling each other nerds, he would just punch me in the face or drag me around by my hair if I complained.

Slightly off topic, but the post preceding this is about the Education Department rescinding Obama-era protections against sexual assault survivors.

From Wikipedia’s “Reproductive coercion”

If my husband dared to throw out my birth control without my knowledge I’d throw his whole existence out of life.

This story horrifies me. What’s next, trying to knock her up while she’s sleeping so she can’t object?!

This is the opposite of funny or cute

Um, I’m glad they think this is a cute story and it worked out for them, but throwing out someone’s birth control so they will get pregnant is actually controlling, abusive behavior.

What the fuck?! This story is enraging. He is disgusting.

Some pretty classic abusive partner stuff.

Ok but can we please not make it seem like Woodrow Wilson was a saint? Here’s what he said about Chinese people:

All the anarchists I know are basically community organizers who read a lot of political theory.

Please keep in mind that people of Asian descent were also not allowed to become citizens for many years after this! Literally, in the end, simply because they were determined (by SCOTUS) not to be “white.” And thanks to the Cable Act, if you were an American woman who married such a man, you would lose your

I’m so glad we put these horrible discriminatory practices behind us and have evolved as a nation.

Oh, wait... Shit.

You’re too generous. The idiots who say these things have never cracked a history book. They know nothing of the nature of revolution.

I love it when liberals go to protests, are defended/protected/unarrested by people who are willing to put their own freedom on the line, and then go home and bitch on the internet about how “vandalism doesn’t work” “provocateurs are ruining our message” “only peaceful protest works”.

Rah, Rah.