This is a totally unfair comparison, but I always worry that shows will go the Star Trek Voyager route, and will wait until there are 3 minutes left to tie up 7 years of stories. (disclaimer: Voyager is a bad show)
This is a totally unfair comparison, but I always worry that shows will go the Star Trek Voyager route, and will wait until there are 3 minutes left to tie up 7 years of stories. (disclaimer: Voyager is a bad show)
pretty sure you can still play it so what are you complaining about? that they made another version 6 years later?
Meh it seems fair. How many “Millennials are killing ____ industry” articles have been written or Millennials are too sensitive and want participation trophies. Etc etc. The response from the Boomers is fairly funny and only fuels the fire. The phrase “ok boomer” is a minor quip equal to Gen X’s “whatever”.
Damn, it is going to hit so close to Lost in Space Season 2. I’ll be spending far too much in front of a screen to end the year.
Highly disappointed this isn’t a carrier that shoots lightning or that is powered by lightning, as I was led to believe by the headline
It’s nice that they’re encouraging feedback from consumers, rather than going the other route and removing the ability to provide feedback at all.
This tracks considering that, according to David Benioff, “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,”.
So did Lea Thompson. Ewww.
I came here for Howard the Duck and I came away satisfied.
I just want to read one article without having to mute “Hey Lauren, I like your top.” If I wanted to watch Kinja video content, I’d unmute the video, or click on the original links (the Punjabi-Canadian hockey story was excellent video journalism just btw). Auto-play audio is fucking annoying, no matter what site is…
Too many auto-playing ads.
Highly recommend checking out the first two short story collections, The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny. They’re pretty light reading and a lot of fun, even disregarding their connection to the series!
She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...
Yes, really. The point of choosing this course, of getting together a team to give him favorable conditions that are all but categorically impossible in an open race, intentionally creating better-than-ideal conditions is to see if, even under those constraints, a marathon under 2 hours was at all possible. When you…
I live my life by a simple code:
This is likely the biggest mistake I’ve ever made on Kinja, but god help me, here I go.
This argument is doing less work than you probably think it is. Lots of abstract things can’t be properly or strictly or non-arbitrarily defined, but that doesn’t prevent us from forming opinions about what belongs in certain categories and what doesn’t. I’m sure I couldn’t come up with an airtight definition of what…
This is a good change. The issue with ads really isn’t the ads, it’s the very high probability of missing something on the stream while the ad is playing. But if streamers are going to just do ad breaks instead of pre-roll ads, then all they have to do is shut up for 30 seconds, or go get a drink or something while…
Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't…