
I regularly wonder why cancer patients don’t just get better. There are doctors out there, there is chemotherapy, there are oral medications to take at home—there is so much help if people will just stop being lazy and use it. Everyone gets sick, everyone feels like crap sometimes, but we all still get up and play

Corpse Party | PC | Survival Horror”

The girl had hundreds of thousands of people watching her get removed—and that’s before it hit the internet. Of course she was embarrassed.

If they changed it from ‘resisting arrest’ to ‘refusing to comply with a justified command’ would that help? Someone can be arrested and charged with only ‘resisting arrest’ when there was no other crime, because ‘resisting arrest’ doesn’t NEED another crime, only the possibility of a crime that the police think they

Bo knows brawls

An example of this kind of modification thing being nothing new:

I like how the ref still signaled the goal was good. He’s there to do a job and he’s gonna do it, regardless of what happens!

I would have put Simcity (the original DOS, and to a lesser extent SNES, versions) in the “balanced” rather than “easy” fun category. Things go fairly smoothly for the first few tens of thousands of population, but you get hit needing a bunch of major purchases (2nd power plant, stadium, harbor, airport) sort of

Well I most likely wouldn’t be getting an NX then, as my fingers get very uncomfortable manipulating smaller gaming devices when there aren’t physical buttons present. Even 7" tablets can be a problem if the dev didn’t place the controls in a good spot. And I don’t even have huge/chubby hands, so I wonder how many


Is smearing an entire city/region a good example of being “magnanimous and classy” Mr. C? I’m afraid I may never understand those things, if so. And.... is this where I’m supposed to respond with some triumphalistic comment about a bunch of rings or something? Meh, that’s not really my style. Stay cool though, C.

I didn’t watch it, but just based on the kind of footage it is I’m 99.999% sure it didn’t. This kind of stuff can be seen in other ways though, as on live shows and reports and such they often have the camera on like that while not actually airing/recording. Not sure what all ways you can get it now, but I know if you

It depends. I’m a Pirates fan. Imagine ‘enjoying’ that from c. 1992-2012. Ok, they did have some enjoyable players to watch along the way, but overall it was frustrating to say the least. On the other hand the Penguins weren’t that great in the mid-to-late 90s, but watching Jagr and (rarely) Lemieux made it worth it

Kinda wish Dragon Quest would stop being such a cash cow in Japan, so that SE might consider getting more aggressive with localizing and distributing to the other 98% of the world.

Kafka-esque (because *someone* had to say it)...

Just be careful you don’t make the fans angry... you wouldn’t like them when they’re angry.

Majorly screwed up. And one of the issues I had with where I left (Orthodox Church, rather than Catholic). However, since you mention male priests in the way you did (in comparison to female nuns), I would point out that male monastics also give up all their possessions, get beat down through ‘ascetic discipline’ and

The thing is, from the POV of how most players would approach it, video games are not like novels, movies or tv, and don’t treat them the same (sometimes in a good way, sometimes in an unfortunate one). For example, if someone starts a movie or book in the middle and doesn’t understand what is going on they’d say ‘Oh

I don’t have a problem with this list. Amazing. Have I lost my passion to argue all things geek? Hmph. The lack of Civilization 1 is a hit to the gut, no doubt about that. And the inclusion of Alpha Centauri seems too obvious to offer much relief. I guess what made everything ok was giving Pirates! some love (though

All sorts of stuff could be going on here... I don’t have enough info to justify grabbing my pitchfork and joining your mob. When was her originally scheduled appointment—the next day, weeks later, or what? Was this the original appointment, or was something more going on, like her rescheduling the appt. twice and