
This is troubling - both the trend of disturbing content specifically directed at children, and people using YouTube as a babysitter.

I’ll go to the grave defending this movie, because while not flawless, it’s an important and huge step in the right direction. Constructive criticism is valid, but bashing an overall good movie (far from “great”, I concede that) for the “lulz”, or worst, fanboyism, is bad, because sends the studio the wrong message.

Newt boxes. They mostly come out at night. Mostly.

You gotta admit, being pregnant is a great alibi for throwing up constantly while making a Zack Snyder DC movie.

Look, I made it better!

Nah, it’s fantastic. The only game I’ve ever played that got swimming controls totally right.

“Bruce decides to remodel his office with the help of Target.”

Hey he’s born to be wild. Hopefully won’t take moviegoers on a magic carpet ride.

According to Thor: The Dark World;

Things that CAN harm a spaceship:
-Daggers held in bare hands

Seriously. I avoid all trailers, articles, etc. regarding the SW films because I love being surprised and watching the film with no pre conceived info...

For whatever flaws this movie may end up having, there is an overwhelming poignancy seeing Luke at this stage in his life that only Gen-X’ers may fully be able to appreciate.

Welp, time to stop coming here until I see ep 8.

Check out Corey Feldman’s crusade to “out” a Hollywood pedophile ring. I like the aim but I’m less sure about how he’s going about it - raising a bunch of money to make a documentary movie. Oh, and part of the money raised will go to protect him and his family once he goes public.

Furthering the point that Hollywood is creepy as fuck and will come up with any excuse it can think of to sexualize a child.

Stranger Things did more for Ghostbusters with some set pictures than Paul Fieg ever did.

Series ends similar to Enterprise. The entire story is actually a holo-novel written by Barclay.

As opposed to Caitlyn Jenner, who was the first athlete to take trans public.

Let me get this out of the way, The Witcher 3 is the best game ever made.

There’s literally not one single mention of PCs in this article. I am not a PC gamer and do not intend to be one. What in the absolute fuck are you talking about, you crazy person.