
Theres still no reason to upgrade from my 2500k which is sad :(

I don’t expect there will be any game breaking bugs on last gen, and even the graphics are pretty impressive for what amounts to over a decade old hardware, but man oh man preformance is going to take a huge hit, expect sub 20 fps on MANY places in the game.

I’m rolling with an AMD 1100T 6-core. The only bottleneck I found was my GPU and thats been recently upgraded, so no issues here.

You can still make a super expensive rig and it be worth it. My rig I made with $1000 about 3 years ago, was able to get pretty much top of the line stuff, and I’ve gotten so many 45-50% off $60 preorders and such that I’ve saved at least $1000 for sure. Also thanks to my Radeon HD 7950 being amazingly awesome at oc,

Final Fantasy XV Years in Development

I cannot *NOT* say this character’s name in The Swedish Chef’s voice.

Except that there were WMD’s.

The profanity has yet to bother me—but I started hating music on the radio a long, long time ago (in a basement far away). I’m an 80’s kid right down to the bone—and as much as some modern pop appears to be trying to bite the styles of some of the best bands of my youth, they’re just not the same.

I love downsampling old games. I did it with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and mind you yes its still pretty dated but it does give a sharper look to the game.

If you have an Nvidia card there is an easy option called DSR which is essentially downsampling with options to tweak the quality/performance ratio. It generally gives a a good boost to the lighting, shadow and aliasing quality even at the lower settings.

they didn’t reach the 7Million mark to unlock Helvetica Neue stretch

Step 1: Align pipe vertical-ish
Step 2: Run a propane torch at the bottom end of the pipe for ~10 minutes, rather than running the bike.

Hey, I loved Ledger’s performance as much as the next guy but maybe we shouldn’t judge Leto based on 5 seconds of screen time in a trailer?


Ah yes, who remembers having to reach behind the TV and change the switch everytime you wanted to play some Atari?

There’s nothing respectful about omitting that she killed herself.

This is her mom’s statement from Facebook:

“Ok here’s the thing, while Rachel was certainly bullied and harassed online, that was NOT the reason she committed suicide. From her own words in many things I read, her illness and chronic pain were the