
^ One million times THIS. I’ve lost count of how many morons I see driving at night with no rear lights because their LED DRLs fool them.  Who doesn’t set their headlights to AUTO in this age, honestly?

Agree wholeheartedly. If you take the time to read all the journal logs and emails, the events leading up to the robot apocalypse are exceptionally well written, giving the whole affair a much more grounded feeling. You can see the bad decisions being made, and everything slowly lining up for the robots to turn on

I’m still amazed they’re marketing this as “FF7 Remake” and not “FF7 Remake: Episode 1" or “FF7 Remake: Midgar”.  Also very surprised that more people aren’t calling them out for it.

It’s so strange that I’d be excited for this based solely on Eric Chahi’s name, but I guess that’s the impact that Out of This World had on me as a young person.  

Counterpoint- no it isn’t.

Yeah, he should NOT be.

I like all these words in the order you’ve arranged them.  

Because Ghostbusters was a bad movie, while Black Panther and Captain Marvel are good.  

Reason #1,672 that my kids don’t have YouTube or social media accounts.  Absolutely disgusting and despicable. 

What a fascinating read.  Thanks so much for sharing something so personal.  

Nope. I hate when a game forces me down a path based on early choices and blocks off other cool abilities or perks.

Solo underperformed because half the public was sour on Star Wars after eating the bitter pill that was Last Jedi.

It’ll be interesting to see how the comments split between “Fuck Konami” and “Ooh, I love these games, shutupandtakemymoney.jpg”.

Seems like a wasted opportunity to bring attention to what is a pretty cool and unique program.  Alas.  

Serious question: On which digital storefront can I buy Axiom Verge, and have Tom Happ get the largest percentage of the sale proceeds?  I own all platforms + PC.  Thanks. 

I like this one. 

No, they didn’t. I downloaded Crackdown 3 on xbox (free with game pass, I’m not insane), and when I downloaded it on PC to see how the graphics compared, I was able to load right into my Xbox save and continue.

This is the only correct answer to Magic Eye. 

I’ll ruin another one for you- every time someone brandishes a firearm in a movie, it makes the “click click” sound of a round being chambered- even if the weapon hasn’t been fired and the person isn’t doing anything except holding it.

Look- there are racist assholes out there that do shit like this. It’s disgusting and they should be ostracized from society and prosecuted. But in this case, the racist asshole is Jussie Smollett.