
I’ve been playing games on easy the last few years, and I credit that decision with keeping me engaged with the gaming world.

I liked this game. Would have liked it more with less repetitive music and better voice acting.

Two things:

Even with boost on, Bloodborne’s frame rate is not “smooth” at all because of the frame pacing issues that cause a very noticeable judder. For people sensitive to framerates, it’s terrible.

Hold L2 to focus on the Colossus and you never have to touch the stick. It tells you that before the very first fight.

Is that photo of the center console leather all wrinkled up a manufacturer pic? Because wow, that’s terrible QC.

It’s fine, seriously. Just fine. Not great or amazing, but perfectly entertaining, I didn’t look at my watch, and I smiled in several parts. I left the theater going “Hey, that was pretty OK”.

The Internet and critics were wound up in a mob mentality to hate it because all the forums and articles tell us that the DCU

Which ENB are you using?

My God, the first question (and answer) are the most awkward, self loathing, pathetic and sad arrangement of words I’ve ever read in my life.

I imagine this actually going off as a ringtone, in a crowded room, heads slowly turning to find the source of this horror, and it makes me laugh.

Yeah, I’m just about at the point of tuning out of the Internet for the next week.

Yep. Maybe its from all the high fps gaming, but the animations seem like they’re missing 1/3 of the frames. Weird.

Or Kenny from South Park.

Hollywood is bad for you.

Is it just me, or....

No love for Danny John Jules? I’m sure a big part of his getting the role was already being able to speak wearing fangs, but hey- anything with Cat in it is an automatic 7/10 in my book.


You. I like the cut of your jib.


That cut to the howling Wampa is still one of the lamest additions to the “Special” Edition. The quality of the image, the framing, the angle it’s shot from... everything about it screams “THIS SHOT WAS ADDED LATER”.

I agree, being mostly obscured by a fucking rock is pretty amazing camouflage.