
“Man exploiting DOAX3 glitch”

Good God, every time I see that photo I’m amazed at how manipulated it is. Probably the most obviously photoshopped image I’ve ever seen someone try to pass off as real.

Right there with you. I realize now that I’ve spent the last few years almost exclusively playing HD remasters of older games and the very occasional AAA single player title (hello Witcher 3).

True story.

This article makes me so happy. I’ve always wondered what it would take to end GawkerVision’s endless fellating of Elon Musk as the second coming of Christ, and we’ve finally found it- Trump.

Really enjoyed this article...


It’s been 14 years since Cadillac released the RWD CTS in 2003, followed a year later by the 400hp manual transmission only CTS-V.

2004 saw the release of the Corvette based XLR, followed by the 440hp XLR-V in 2006.

2005 brought the RWD STS, followed by the 440hp STS-V in 2006.

Another member of the “they must be a troll/Trump voter if they’re not parroting me exactly” brigade. You know there are more types of people than “Clones of me” and “White supremacist trolls”, right?

How gracious of you to allow my comment to remain, oh arbiter of what speech is allowed.

There’s the problem again: Your gut reflex is to dismiss (hide) anything that doesn’t line up with your worldview. That’s what leads to echo chambers full of nothing but a bunch of people all agreeing with each other, which leads to people freaking out and branding any dissenting opinion as “trolling”.

The world you people want to build where every discussion breaks down into “shut the fuck up” is something else.

All I’m saying is that disproving the other person’s post with facts or a counter argument is more productive than “shut the fuck up”, and people who claim to be enlightened should lean toward the former.

I’m not offended at all, nor am I offended on behalf of anyone else.

“You sound” is a common colloquialism that is accepted be synonymous with “you seem to be”. But of course you know that, and are simply engaging in a bit of childish attack on me instead of acknowledging that the person you told to “shut the fuck up” was not a troll as you suggest.

You sound very angry.

I love how this is always the demand of the progressive- “be quiet if you don’t agree with me”. Look up top, it’s right there on the links to Michael Keaton and Jon Voight- “I don’t agree with you, so shut up”.

I thought this was going to be an article about the thousands of pounds of trash these entitled shitheads left piled all over the capital.

It’ll never ever get anywhere in today’s climate, because you’ll all be too busy arguing over who is the MOST oppressed, and shitting all over the people you feel are stealing attention from YOUR oppression.

Yeah, and how stupid was it? Real stupid. Now read this comment section. Look familiar?

You idiots all sound like the white supremacists did after Obama was elected. Literally, the exact same shit. “Country is dead, he won’t allow elections, blah blah”.

I hope you realize the image you posted is photoshopped. Poorly, at that.