
I’m so sick of the current idea that Deadpool is somehow a game changer because it’s R-Rated or self deprecating or takes the piss out of the genre. “THIS WILL CHANGE HOLLYWOOD! TIME FOR AN R RATED FANTASTIC 4 MOVIE!”

Progressives are so weird. It’s okay for a 14 year old girl to have an abortion, but not okay for a 15 year old to consent to sex with an older person?

For the record, I'm not in favor of 15 year olds consenting to sex either, I just find it oddly sad (yet still hilarious) how often your values and morality completely

Yep. There’s most certainly a clique of extremely offended people who will claim to be oppressed and triggered by these undulating polygons.

Eh, sort of.

The styling is different, and taste in style is subjective. The GMCs also traditionally have nicer interior trimmings, halfway between Chevy and Cadillac.

I’ve been “meh” about this game after reading all the reviews, but this sealed it- this game was not made for me.

The original game was just *splat*, and a little pixelated spine. Some of these new ones are 10 seconds of torture porn, complete with hysterical wailing, gagging and crying. The one where Jax rips the top of their head back at the jawline, then snuffs out a lit cigar in their jiggling windpipe is particularly


You know what’s odd? I’m old enough to have come full circle on this. I was a teenager playing the original MK in arcades, and couldn’t believe how old people were shocked at the violence and Hillary Clinton wanted Congress to ban violent videogames. Now I’m an old guy, and I’m shocked at how ridiculously violent the


No. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy and counterproductive nature of calling for equality and ending discrimination, while simultaneously drawing distinctions between yourself and other people based on your race, religion, or sexual preference.

See that’s the thing- most people dojust see Moxxi or Vault Dweller. But continuing to make #BLACKcosplay a thing (like this post on Kotaku is), we focus on race instead of the quality of the cosplay, which is absurd.

That and knowing when to turn?

When are people going to stop supporting these scams?

It says a lot about the state of the current gen gaming library that people are THIS excited about being able to play a game (with no enhancements) that’s been in the $10 Gamestop bin for 3 years now.

People who keep desperately hoping this show will be a carbon copy of the original are going to be sorely disappointed, just like they were with TG USA. It was a fine show, but since the chemistry and jokes were a bit different than TG UK, everyone hated it.

LeBlanc will probably be great, but he’s not going to be

**edited to fix hanging sentence

The fact it has a Tesla badge on the front doesn't automatically grant it the ability to redefine the cost of building a car.

"I just don’t see how they can offer something that performs at this level..."

Self indexing windows have been a thing on coupes forever. Corvette, Mercedes, BMW... basically any car without an upper door frame will crack the window a smidge to allow the glass to clear the roof molding so the door can open.

The 2016 models are very fun to drive, handle better than you’d expect for FWD, snappy off the line, and loaded with tech. They look sexy as hell, have a phenomenal interior, and if your commute is within 40 miles you hardly ever need gas.