
Exactly. I’ve played a ton of PS4 Battlefront on my 1080p tv, and when I went to my brother’s house and played it on XB1 it still looked great. Digital Foundry makes it sound like its a pixel crawling mess of aliasing and frame drops, but it looked nigh on identical to me.

Because the media and redditors freaked the fuck out about Microsoft’s “always online” plans, blowing out of proportion what it meant to the end user. Then the whole “1080p/900p” comparisons started, and Xbox never recovered.

I think it was Robert Schimmel who wondered “What did a caveman jack off to?”


Oh, but what about “herp derp stealershipz!!?”

Well that’s like saying alcohol sucks because some people drink and drive. I happen to vape in designated smoking areas, as do many others.

Aw man- I chose to quit smoking so I wouldn’t smell like an ashtray and die of lung cancer, but now I’ve been called a pussy by some rando on the Internet.

Hey Hey Hey!

I’m not a copyright attorney, but here’s a thought:

LOL at “The Truth”, like you’re reporting on world shaking events and not features of a fucking videogame.

Autocorrect is a bitch.

As a father of two kids, there’s no way in hell I’ll play this game.

He’ll probably end up with a fat check from Epic to make him go away, the President will invite him to the White Boise and have a fucking news conference about it.

I’m glad this happened and is being reported on, because it gives my left leaning friends here in the US a small glimpse into why some of us are against the “gun control” actions Obama had taken (unilaterally, without support from Congress or the Senate).

I loved the sailing, but you can skip most of it if that’s not your bag (fast travel). I skipped III however, so Black Flag was my first encounter with AC boats. As a result, I sailed freaking everywhere and did all the hunting of whales and taking over of forts.It was great.

You skipped the best one. Black Flag was great, especially if you look at it like a pirate game with a few annoying AC missions thrown in.

There’s no way to prove how many pirates would have bought a game if they hadn’t been able to pirate it- there’s no answers to hypothetical questions.

Coming up in Part 3:

I noticed the same thing. Something’s a bit off here...

He's right though.