Heywood U Cuddleme

Do people who can afford these luxury resorts really follow influencers on social media? If I were super rich and looking for a luxury hotel, I wouldn’t look at some random millenial’s instagram, I'd ask my super rich friends.

Because they waste people’s time with their whining. I wouldn’t be surprised if they disturb the other guests when they do their photo shoots. And food, house keeping, etc. costs money. I'd launder any sheets an influencer slept on twice.

As if anyone has a sense of humour when it comes to Megan, Harry and the british monarchy. Have you not seen the comments any time they're mentioned?

I hope it's a roundabout way of calling him “peasant”

That company is based in Florida. Florida doesn’t have a monarchy (random floridians proclaiming themselves king and/or queen doesn’t count). If you want to register a trademark in a country, any country, with a monarchy, there are tons of rules and even laws about how you can use the word “royal” in the brand name

How many of these feuds are staged and scripted from start to finish? It seems to be a surefire way to get headlines and some of the feuding pairs are so random

What kind of person thinks it's necessary to make nazi concentration camps worse?

Botox makes your face look shiny, that's why you need tons of make-up

Non-celebrities still look weird. With celebs you mostly see photos of them wearing a bucket of make-up. When you’re standing face to face with a person with botox and fillers, and they’re talking, moving their face, and haven’t covered that botox-shine with make-up, it looks off. But yes, since most celebs do it, you

He'll lie about everything else, but that's too much even for him 

Oh not with the passive aggressive faux kindness! That's so overdone

All botox users think they look good, and that it’s just everyone else who overdoes is it.

She looks ridiculous because she doesn’t have the lines and wrinkles women in their 40s have. One of the dads who’s kind of snarky and doesn’t care much for social codes told me she gives him the creeps and he couldn’t figure out why, until I suggested it was because she doesn’t have those two wrinkles between the

Junior's book tour didn't go as planned, no beard in the world can hide the fact that he doesn't have a chin (although he does have a double chin. Not sure how that works. How do you double something that doesn't exist?) so he cheers himself up by killing something with the same body type, manners and verbal skills as

“but he doesn’t know where everybody elses hands have been”

No. Kinja is broken and for every problem they fix, they add five more. No one likes autoplay videos, but they're not going away. The best you can do is to find an app or a browser extension that blocks them

Yes. There’s a mom at my son’s daycare who does botox and fillers, she looks ridiculous. Especially next to us “norms” with our wrinkles and under eye bags. I think she no longer sees that, only what else she can do to her face. Botox makes your skin look shiny and taut, fillers make you look puffy, but the changes

This is why america needs another revolution, but french style this time. 

I lucked out and found one that fit me perfectly on the first buy. I used a guide on the internet that took things like how much you bleed into account, if you’ve given vaginal birth, etc. It did not even mention tilt of the uterus. Anyway, this woman with a uterus so tilted experienced IVF docs comment on it, has