Heywood U Cuddleme

And even if his art is not your cup of tea, you can’t deny his talent. Portraits are hard

Her job description is to ensure her client gets a fair trial

I think he's a pretty good artist. His style might be a bit abrasive and I would personally not put his art on my walls, but that does not mean it's bad. He definitely has a well-developed personal style but I'm particularly impressed by his portraits. He uses a few, crude pen strokes and manages to capture people's

But her company doesn’t produce money, she still needs to get financial backing from investors. They decide which movies will be made, based on how much money they think they can make. Portman is famous, but not famous enough that people will throw money at any project she suggests. Many celebs have production

“You did something about a complex, huge problem, but it didn’t fix the entire problem, so the thing you did is WORSE than doing nothing at all!!!”

Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones was 47 when he started dating Mandy Smith, who was 13 at the time. They started having sex when she was 14 and married when she was 18. (And then her mother married his son) 

My relationship with my parents was always strained, but it really deteriorated when I became a parent myself. Before, I could make excuses for them: they had lousy childhoods themselves, they had to leave their home country because of war, etc. but now I know there are no excuses for treating a child the way they

Early Oprah was horrible, exploitative and vulgar. Completely ruthless for ratings, but that was such a long time ago most people have forgotten it/never seen it. I remember an episode of her talkshow where she had a mother and her two teenage daughters on. The father in the family had molested both girls, went to

A lot of people like putting things that vibrate in or near their vaginas, and how well that works depends very much on their intentions

Iceland is mostly wild nature, the Kardashians are so plastic and fake and have probably never seen a tree that wasn't planted by a gardener. 

Or men’s cycling. Sure, technically, they’re not showing that much skin, but...

I have a neighbour whose clothes, hair and make-up are straight from a time capsule from the 90s. I suspect that it was the high point of her life, and now she’s won’t let go of that style, bootcut jeans and all. Tyra Banks seems to be suffering from the same syndrome. All her talk about fashion, and she still dresses

So either the people who decided this ad was too graphic are all childless and have managed to live their entire lives without anyone they care about giving vaginal birth, or they fled the scene and abandoned their wives/girlfriends/others when they gave birth because granny panties and pads the size of a mattress

I assume he can’t separate celebrating the right to have an abortion, with celebrating actually having an abortion. Which is really dumb, thoughtless and shows an alarming lack of nuance

So if you don’t want to guess and you’re sure you can find it on reddit, back up your claims with some legwork and show me one comment from a woman who says “abortion is a thing everyone should try at least once just because they can". 

It looks like the boob tape gave up on one side. Awkward

I don't think being the future king is a privilege, more a huge burden 

That's how you do planks?

They have a very, very low opinion of other people. However rotten they are on the inside, they believe everyone else is worse and just hiding it. So to keep the world from going to absolute shit, they HAVE to be in charge and control all the immoral, violent pervs out there