
Why? We’re talking about Pelosi as Speaker of the House, not just as a representative.

It’s hard though, when you’ve been made fun of for it for so long, then the majority population suddenly thinks it’s “cool” and everything you and others like you went through, gets forgotten and ignored.

It took us this long to watch him get acquitted in an election year.

She actually is a journalist, though. And was when she met Oprah way back in the day.  My point is that by doing this, she doesn’t seem serious but only concerned about how she looks in public, which is what a celeb does, not a serious journalist.

This is equivalent to The Root reporting on a bunch of nerds sitting around after getting beat up by the school bully, telling us how they got off some good zingers at his expense before, during, and after, he kicked the shit out of him.

Intentionally creating a poster that looks like what a decently talented kid in 1979 would have drawn and colored out of devotion to Star Wars is peak nostalgia overload.  This is nostalgia gone decadent. 

I’m sorry but that’s nonsense.

This is really good.  Seriously, this is what we need to read.

Nothing like watching a show that is essentially what you and your smart ass friends did as drunk college sophomores but with expensive production values.

He admitted he did it. End of story.

Gets her psychopathic murderous groove back.

Apparently, Prada thought it was a good idea to set up these programs.


What you said was dismissive and reductive and I told you because you obviously don’t understand what you did.

Meanwhile, far from the easy rage-bait of social media, Barnes and Noble’s actual online welcome page features this link and shopping opportunity:

I’m making this out to be exactly what YOU wrote.

Skinny Tea endorsements? Her father’s Post-It empire?

Once again you talk about something I didn’t write. I didn’t say “Dems”.

Agreed. Thanks for listening...well, reading.

Too horny to feed your kids right.