
I am in the wrong business.

I was pissed at your comment until I re-read my own initial comment and realized, “Ahhhh, yeah, I get it now.”

Edited comment : I think the problem is that when I wrote “dumbass relations”, I was speaking more in terms of someone who gives their DNA to one of these services and NOT about your relations in particular.

I also said “work on more than one issue”. I’m not surpised you only focused on the protesting, because then you’d have no leg to stand on because you know damn well they’ve been working on the issues you mention.

Well, then, I guess we better just give up right now and not bother voting at all, right?

Whoever did that wasn’t trying to hide shit.

That shit? Was intentional.

Your mother’s too busy fucking them.

Put whatever you want on your damn food.

Some black people are trash, too. *shrug*

Because nobody but you can work on more than one issue at a time or participate in more than one protest at a time.

The Black Twitter crowd are mostly a bunch of fucking idiots we should be making fun of but because gossip and even mainstream media are so enthralled and needy with regards to social media, they’re given outsize importance and influence.

In the sense that neither of those woman’s choices are you fucking business?

Late to this but still ready to set you straight:

Nope. It’s Joaquin’s Best Actor Award to lose and it’s zeitgeist-y feel is what may get it Best Picture.  Remember, that happens a LOT with the Oscars, e.g. “Crash”.

And then, get some business of your own to mind.

He reinforces a perspective of Black cis-gender hetero homophobic (unless it’s girl-on-girl for his viewing pleasure) conservative bougie experience.

The problem being that if one of your dumbass relations gives their DNA and, worse, a full rundown of their living relatives, all because they wanted to do some bullshit genealogy, then you’re effectively in the system, like it or not.

If you’re dumb enough to hand over your DNA to a private company just so you can figure how white or black or whatever you are, then, frankly, you were stupid and now, you’re learning it’s too late to protect yourself from either that private company or any “big brother” that may come along later.