
Good, about time he got dragged to trial for something.

I’ve been telling you all that Joan Summers is a hack.

But it’s a...girl *shudder*.

The funny thing is that in other parts of the world, where school uniforms extend to boys in as recognizable a way as girls, the transgressive power exists in both.

Chris Pratt can go straight to Hell.  

I want to support films like this but they always end up making me remember the bad old days of American, Brit and, European gay-themed films of the 80s, 90s, and even, unfortunately, into the early 2000s.

Oh, spare me. They gave your boy free advertisement in the end.


So these companies are complicit in two cases, one of which has the Muhjadeen claiming a murder and the other, where one of the witnesses past posts as an unhappy girlfriend, are the reason her testimony to the cops is untrue?

Wow. So in the name of elevating the story of the victim, you feel the need to drag ANOTHER black woman, who didn’t do anything but say she had issues with the film not with victim or her struggle?

It only matters because the media is obsessed with it.

LOL at you treating this p.o.s. child blogger gossip column like it has journalistic duty.

I’m way over 50 and I know who they are.

They only print that nonsense because they know their low-intelligence readers are mostly the kind of socially conservative dum-dums who put stock in that kind of signifier at all.

Strongly agree!

Thank you.

She’s a Republican strategist.

But not BY his family. By the same press that hounded his mother, his wife, and now, his brother’s family.

Speaking of edgelords...

Joaquin may be saying the right things (at last) now but he will FOREVER be nothing more than a goddamned Edgelord.