
He admitted he raped her.

I’m bringing you out of the grey because my memory must have been faulty about Meloni.

They apologized in order to survive the new reality that most Western Christians except orthodox ones, know full well that the dogma is b.s. and that the Church of England has overlooked stuff in an arbitrary way at times that means their moral influence has waned and nobody’s scared of them anymore.

“Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.”

Buy me dinner first.

Whatever, judging from the fact you responded to me in the first place to double down on your wrongness, YOU took this “silly topic” very seriously your damn self.

You marry Jack McCoy, you cheat with Eliott Stabler, you bitch about them both to Olivia Benson.

First off, my not believing Kelis is based on her as an individual and the story she’s presenting, not as a black woman. So take your misogynoir and stick it right back up your ass where you pulled it from. It doesn’t apply.

“Lash out”. Dramatic much?

You didn’t rake those leaves for the Black man. You maintained that property because it was adjacent or near your own and you didn’t want it to make your property look bad or to see it.

Yeah, I don’t believe her.

Obvious stupidity triggers me.

Good, because I didn’t want to have to look the idiot up.

Isn’t the dirty secret about depictions of sex workers that they are boring?

Remember when he still had the glow of “Oz” all over him when he start L&O and before we found out he was a conservative piece of shit who had to be told to shut up and sit down?

“Then give me ALL the Horsey Sauce, bitch!”

What I find amusing is you and some other commenters being utterly disingenuous about first dates or dating full stop.

Duh, I explained why your comparison was wrong, IN DETAIL, and you still don’t get it and are relying on your reductive incorrect bullshit.

Saying “They should make a black or Asian version of Friends” while completely not knowing that one existed for blacks, for YEARS, isn’t admitting anything.

Self-important much? lol