
I don’t care if you believe in God or not. She is occasionally fair.

I love this! Good for her and her lawyers! Go get him!

You can’t learn or retain what you had no interest in knowing about in the first place.

The ratings aren’t the point, chief. It’s the thievery and the reasons behind the thievery that the OP was pointing out.

The two groups were not the same at all.

And “Sex and the City”.  Don’t forget that.

He gets fired (perhaps rightfully) for making fun of a flu that killed many but that woman who, while talking about Kobe Bryant’s death, called his old team the L.A. “ngers” insted of Lakers, just gets a suspension that no one talks about a day later?

Thank you.

It’s good when extremely wealthy people give their money to worthy causes, but you know what’s great? Taking that obscene wealth through taxes and spending it to make the world a healthier place for everyone.


A remake with an entirely different name that only really takes the idea of a father running away while his family is in danger.

That’s cute.

*sigh* Typical American, missing the point so they can get in a cheap take.

Yes, actually, it is his money. In the sense that it’s money he raised and was going to keep for himself but now is spending on this project.

I’m happy for you or anyone else who feels the desire to visit the mother country of us all. I understand that desire and respect it in others.

As in, to your point, even her well cinemagraphed sex tape with a bench-sitting NBA player

But they don’t recognize anyone over 50. How do you not understand??

You and I both have problems with some French laws, especially towards Muslims.

I think this moaning over a remake of a film is some pretentious bullshit.