
“Anna cut André out for being overweight and old (though she still invited him to her Chanel couture fittings)!”

Why wouldn’t he think he had a say? The Administration is openly corrupt, craven and derelict. We’re barely hanging on to the rule of law in this country. Are we going to pretend we’re not living in a banana republican now?

If this editor knew what was good for her, she wouldn’t admit to this catty behavior.
Although, she may be throwing Scheana a bone with that quote...

Also, bringing this back would mean Stacey Abrams, Ilhan Omar, (insert name of whatever pol you like), etc, will get pied, too.

Plus, it’s easy to disguise your intent. Walk up to Dick Cheney with a pie, and pretty much every agent he has in range will drift in your direction. Walk up to him with shoes, and that’s just normal.

Now playing

Must mention the Anita Bryant pie in the face...

They made fun of Eva for not having her boobs done. 

Jordan is clearly the Nene Leakes of this drama. The undisputed queen bee that demands absolute fealty and needs to have his ass kissed at every moment. Also, he imagines perceived slights and carries those slights, both real and imagined, with him to this day. 

Could it be... McConnell??

Seriously. I don’t begrudge the White House, Congress, etc. their ability to conduct regular testing. I think that’s an important and necessary thing for government to do in the middle of a pandemic, even when we’re short of tests. But testing themselves constantly while actively downplaying the importance of

Your mouth to Gods ear!

Fingers crossed, here's hoping it runs like wildfire through the White House. Especially Trump and Pence; if it kills them both, Pelosi rises to the top!

I assume that since we know for sure that two people have it, the number is probably closer to fifty.

Bless your heart, Karen.

This was amazing and on point. Thank you.

Quote from article before edited: “For the low, low price of $19.99, please to by my cutting board.”

Considering the interviewer named dropped goop and Alison was smart enough to not come for goop but reached for Marie and Chrissy so easily is problematic. Millennials (who are almost 40 btw) know goop, rachel ray, giada etc. Marie Kondo is not in the cooking sphere so why bring her up? She made fun of Marie’s accent

I fucking LOVE my giant cast iron I got from Cravings at Target. Seriously, I use that damned thing every day and I got it on some wild sale (so, under $20!). I’ve had it for months and months and it is still chugging along great, despite me not properly taking care of any cast iron thing any time. It tolerates my