“Here are some facts: Cavallari spun an appearance on the throwaway reality show Laguna Beach into a surprisingly lucrative television career.”
“Here are some facts: Cavallari spun an appearance on the throwaway reality show Laguna Beach into a surprisingly lucrative television career.”
Is anyone saying Cutler is a renowned and incredible human being? Besides sports blogs doing the usual framing to make the sports-known man sympathetic to their skewing-male readership (much the same way some women’s lifestyle blogs might play on the the celebrity-gossip-reality show-known woman when the…
When this all broke, I wondered what Reade’s endgame was. What was she trying to accomplish? Well, she made that abundantly clear last night - her goal is to force Joe out of the race.
I know everyone is different and people handle tragic things in their own way.
Seriously, Tara Reade went with Megyn Kelly? Out of all the options, Kelly? Also, while I completely agree that every accuser should be able to tell their story in their own words, I really don’t understand how that has been the case with Reade, at least with the articles from Salon, New York Times and now Vox? Not to…
Her next appearance will be on Maury, I’m sure.
As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.
Maybe we should also point out, since this is the actual end-game and saying otherwise is disingenuous at best:
And the female lawyers and journalists who are actually working to bring these cases to light don’t say, “Believe women” means, “Every accusation is the absolute truth, full stop.”
This is the correct take. As important as “believe all women” is as a movement and a state of mind, I’m inclined to think “investigate all accusations” is a safer method.
I mean, if you throw a rock at a group of lawyers, chances that it will hit one who is conservative and donates to republican causes is pretty high. Lawyers as a professional group, tend to male, white and often wealthy. Basing your perspectives on what the legal counsel does or did is a terrible look. I mean if we go…
I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not, but can we stop pretending polygraph tests are anything but bullshit? They certainly aren’t “lie detectors.”
If I wanted to combat the notion that my sexual assault accusation was politically motivated, I don’t think I’d hire a prominent Trump donor to represent me, then recruit Megyn Kelly to interview me.
Biden was forceful in his denial. Tara Reade is forceful in her story. I doubt they moved the needle for anyone who wasn’t already on their respective sides. Will this blog writers like to help out here? How is someone supposed to defend themselves without a “a shallow MeToo gloss”? Biden himself has been respectful.…
You might want to just give up on the troll. They were on the root this morning basically saying that black people are lazy and stupid and that is why no there are no black countries that are doing well.
Is this knock off Lilly Pulitzer?
You’ve convinced me! White people can experience racism! So why was it chill for you to make racist comments?