
That’s interesting, I wouldn’t consider McConnell (the senator) to be zealous or nutty, just completely self-interested and devoid of principles. But I could be completely wrong about that.

The problem with that argument is that Bernie supporters were sure as hell “excited” about voting for him and look how that turned out. They didn’t show up and he got a smaller share of the vote in many states than he did in 2016.

Pretty sure we’ve got at least two more weeks of sour-grapes posts from Jezebel staff to look forward to, but you are spot on. 

The lack of civics education is precisely what propels populists like Trump to power and keeps his “fans” believing he’s got monarchial power.

This isn’t true. Trump and his goon squad organized a whole fiasco that got the man impeached to try to knock Joe Biden out of the race by bullying Volodymyr Zelensky into launching a fake investigation into a dumb conspiracy theory, jeopardizing his entire presidency, while he loudly and publicly pushed the agenda

Don’t forget the importance of justice appointments. It’s IMPERATIVE we have a D in the WH to help counteract all the damage McConnell has done over the past four years in the federal courts. Not to mention RBG will likely be letting go of her seat in the next presidency.

Except he’s the only Dem candidate to actually increase voter turnout in several states. Why does everyone forget this? If Bernie had done the same would this even be a narrative?

It simply is NOT TRUE that Bernie “took a dream of a strong social safety net with him.”

OK, can we stop with the line that it’s a Dem’s fault (either Biden for encouraging participating, or Bernie for not dropping out sooner) that Wisconsinites had to go out on Tuesday and vote in the Primary? It’s been ALL OVER these sites for the last few days, and it sucks.

I have hope that if one good thing can come from the absolute clusterfuck that was Wisconsin’s spring primary this week, it’ll be a healthy mistrust of Republicans this time around. They willfully refused to take any action to make voting safer, and people are going to get sick and die.

Yeah. Tulsi Gabbard has nearly all of Bernie’s problems (plus many many more) except for his age.

He has a rep of being all about him in DC and has for years. And it shows because he’s done fuck-all. All a bunch of hot air. Biden isn’t my favorite but at the very least, he’ll make better Cabinet picks that the orange lunatic in there now. Biden will fill empty state positions and maybe not have a revolving door

Picking Biden removes the #1 attack that will be waged by Republicans:

who only even became VP (and thus only had the inside track on this nomination) because Obama thought the country was so racist that he needed an old white guy standing by his side to chill everyone out

You had my star until “Tulsi.” 

Cynicism has nothing to do with it. He’s not a coalition builder. Never has been. 

Ehhhh Tulsi is not gonna mark a reduction in baggage from Bernie. 

Biden was my last choice, but I’ll vote for him over Trump

Both Nevada and Iowa were caucus states, which inherently favored Sanders. And New Hampshire is next door to his Vermont, so no surprise there.
