
Essentially the argument is if he gets x amount of delegates he’ll have significant leverage drafting the party platform- which nobody gives a shit about to begin with- and staffing the various committees of the DNC with his people- who will be promptly sidelined because at a certain point the “I’m going to be

calling the former commander of the USSR Theodore Roosevelt

What better place to move to to escape intrusive tabloids and the white-hot glare of the media spotlight than Los Angeles.

Can you have a “virtual” appointment with her over video? Have a stylist coach you through maintenance?

I have a wisdom tooth and a broken at the gumline molar in my mouth that I’ve been trying to get removed since last summer. I finally got an appointment for May after being on a waiting list for 7 months. It gets

Also, I forgot yesterday was Saturday, so I missed SNS.

What is definitely in vogue is for people with terrible elected leaders to secretly, privately, guiltily HOPE their leaders die.

I’d pay to see Joselyn Hernandez in the briefing room.

Oh, so you are one of my kindred, huh? I am going to go hog-wild on restaurants when this is over. I mean, I know this is good for me, healthwise, and I’m going to keep up some of these eating habits. But a splurge is building for that first week when the country opens back up...

Reporters need to ask the following:

It sounds like Team Nepotism has a good strategy. They will probably review recommendations, implement forward-thinking solutions, procure supplies, and protect the corporations that make this country great.

Kemp proves that being cunningly devious enough to steal an election doesn’t make you smart and certainly does not make you a good person.

God damn right, just because some people have problems with the drink doesn’t mean they need to project onto everyone else who are just honestly joking about drinking all day.

Then maybe Bernie’s most faithful should police themselves a little bit better.

Wait’ll she endorses Biden.

Pretty much everyone knows that Sanders is on the right side of history, but fighting for the person who needs it the most and speaking truth to power is too hard, so instead they complain about how someone is making them do the right thing when they would rather keep existing on autopilot.

AOC’s political maturation comes as no surprise to us reformed revolutionaries of the 1960s and 70s.

If he’s living in the US and becomes a US resident then the tax problems remain. I work in tax and I’d be fascinated to see how they deal with the US tax consequences of his life. He must be a beneficiary of so many trusts and similar and the US has really stringent reporting rules for such things.

But it was the perfect bait for a certain subset of the online left that is—for whatever reason—eager for Ocasio-Cortez to reveal herself as a sellout.

Weird, it’s almost like the hardcore Sanders supporters are nothing more than a sexist cult or something.

It’s almost as if the “dirtbag left” is in fact made up of dirtbags...