
This. Perhaps they imagined they’d still be taking private jets everywhere, but without public scrutiny. It used to be said of Conrad Black and Barbara Amiel (remember them?) that they were millionaires who lived as if they were billionaires. I would imagine stepping down from the Firm will be something like that. 

I think establishing any brand was always going to be high risk for them. People get mad when you say it but it is true. These two have contributed to the drama as much as the rest of the BRF. What they were going to changed dramatically between their first info dump and today, much of that started before the pandemic

It’s not a “risk” in any meaningful sense if they’re still comfortably millionaires at the end of it, which they are and will continue to be. These are never people that are going to be applying to be WalMart greeters if their schemes to slap their names on other people’s work don’t work out for them. 

I mean, that’s honestly the stance that I have respect for. Like, do I think he did it? Probably. Will I vote for him in November? Disgustingly, I’ll probably have to just to make sure we don’t have a Supreme Court that will destroy everything.

RBG should have retired during Obama’s first 100 days when he had clear momentum. That was short-sighted on both their parts. Now we all get to worry every time she walks up stairs or gets a cold.

I was thoroughly opposed to having Biden as the candidate, but here we are. Honestly, I think voters know we’re electing a placeholder who won’t be capable of completing a four year term (which makes his VP choice more significant than ever).

This. I’m voting for the less rapey guy who at least doesn’t brag about it. What a load of fucking shit though. I want to scream out my window. Fucking moron democrats voting for this obvious clusterfuck of a candidate. WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US???

I hate that I’m in the position of voting for the *less* rapey guy just so RBG can retire.

This. It just means America will have to choose between a racist, authoritarian rapist with dozens of accusations against him, who thinks the solution to a pandemic is mass genocide to save capitalism, and Biden, who likes to hug people inappropriately, was accused of misconduct by one woman, and might not be as far

Last year she said Biden “invaded her space” and stroked her hair, and she says he digitally penetrated her without consent. Meanwhile, her tweet praising Putin was role-playing theoretical poetry, or something.

I honestly and truly don't know what to believe anymore. The only ONLY thing I am sure of is that I will vote for whoever is running against Trump. 

Seen a lot of people ignoring this. Kudos for writing about it. Tara deserves to be heard.

a little rich to describe TMZ’s coverage as “breathless” as if you aren’t copy/pasting it for the exact same effect.

Gaga is co-owner. Her business partner shouldn't feel guilty asking her for input on paying the approximately 10 employees they have, according to their website. 

This whole thing has shown how celebrities are truly useless in society. For every nice story you hear about a celebrity donating cash and whatever else they can offer, you get videos of celebs clapping on instagram or having a sing along. That’s not to say those people didn’t donate, the optimist in me hopes they

This. They're memory-holing the inconveniet fact that Bernie and Biden had a 1v1 debate less than a month ago. 

Bernie is losing because more people are voting for Biden, not because of a DNC conspiracy against Bernie. And I say this as someone who did not vote for Biden in the primary. I’m not very excited about him, but Bernie hasn’t been able to broaden his enthusiastic base to become a viable candidate for the party as a

one horrible person is trying to set another horrible person free. 

Trump winning is definitely the close second option to Bernie winning for the far left. That way they get to do all of the bitching, with none of the actual responsibility.

Sorry for your pain.