
I just wanted to apologize for going down the same path as dicktata yesterday when he used your comment to reply with lies about me. He acts like he doesn’t know me and accuses me of things like this fictitious string of lies, but the truth is he’s known me for a few years around here now and he’s just always been

Hester, I like a ton of your comments and I’m no fan of Biden either but I have to ask here: what did the DNC owe to Bernie that they somehow fucked him over? Fucking someone over is a thing you do to people you owe a duty to and then abandon it. Bernie was up against a lifelong Democrat who had paid her dues and then

I’m becoming increasingly convinced that there is a part of the progressive wing that would actually prefer Trump winning a second term so that they can complain about how bad of a candidate Biden was. I’m not a Biden fan as a candidate, but the continuous act and malicious representation of him here and other sites

You need to take that up with him/her. 

I’m a woman of color who voted for him in the 2016. Voter disenfranchisement and suppression are very real issues in this country. They are not the reason he lost then or is losing now. He’s losing because he’s not as popular as people on Twitter thinks he is. I thought he was a breath of fresh air in 2016 too.

No one fucked him over. He lost then just like he’s losing now. If Bernie has this massive wave of supporters ready to change the country and end the Establishment, why is he having so much trouble winning primaries? Also, this campaign run should put his 2016 run in context. He wasn’t loved so much as Hilary was

I wonder how many people around here fell for the “green screen” smear.

I don’t think this person likes differing opinions or facts for that matter. I mentioned that Bernie slipped and revealed himself rather meh on topics he doesn’t like discussing at the last debate after getting confronted on his prior history of gun support and got a string of insults in response.

You do know they had a 1 v 1 debate right? Then Bernie went and got crushed in a another series of large states? 

Lol okay. Lord 50 Stents should be worried about making his concession speech. It’s over. If he could destroy him, he probably should have done that before now.

Why does Joe Biden starting a podcast need snarky comment? If you don’t have anything interesting to say, can you just shut the fuck up already?

They’ll probably survive Covid-19, but herpes will last forever.

I agree with most of what you said, but come on, there are plenty of “non-youth” people in that photo. Boomers are refusing to follow the protocols, too. We had to have the talk with my mother-in-law last week and she’s a retired nurse.

He admitted to sexually assaulting women. One chamber has impeached him.

All together now!

That in of itself is extremely telling.....9-0 you have to be fuckin kidding me....SHEESH!!!!

“Perhaps this is why Clarence Thomas and other white people . . . .”


Yeah that sucks, and I am not a lawyer, but if something is 9-0 they were probably following the law. The liberal justices don’t usually go that way unless it is very clear cut.

The reason for the verdict is awful.