Yeah, he will use his current lack of symptoms as reasons to continue to vote against any assistance.. (ie: Its not that bad.. so people should able to work)
Yeah, he will use his current lack of symptoms as reasons to continue to vote against any assistance.. (ie: Its not that bad.. so people should able to work)
Just a shame he is asymptomatic, instead of experiencing a nice array of pain. I guess he is another one of them whom not even Satan will take a second before they have to.
His neighbor is going to have to wear gloves and a mask while beating his ass.
Hahahhahahahaa of course they were fucking lying. They are human garbage, well Kim is mostly plastic at this point.
Maybe you should stop writing compliments -- you’re bad at it.
The absence of leadership during a crisis makes any confident and arguably competent person pointing toward the emergency exit door a goddamned rock star.
I noticed that the pseudo negro grabbed the sister. She was standing up for your honor, sir. The proper response was to fake grab amber and let your shero get in a few to the chops while fake saying please ladies break it up.
Plenary session topic: This Bitch Done Lost Her Damn Mind.
and to top it all off that bitch starts crying at the end. after she started all this shit. white women tears know no shame.
Right? What the hell happened to Jezebel?
Yeah, I think if you were expecting any kind of self-reflection on the part of anyone at Jezebel and/or Bernie stans, bonne chance...
So basically “it’s bad that they made up total lies about Warren and spammed her social media with hate, but only because it reflects badly on Bernie stans.”
I read that article and rolled my eyes. Bernie followers love phrases like “warn of a massive exodus” the same way they warned about a massive voting revolution that would put Bernie in power.
“Pearl clutching liberals” you use the rhetoric of Trump’s camp .....*while* denying there’s overlap between the two communication styles? k
To be honest, if some segment of Bernie’s supporters are willing to sit out and let Trump win, it makes one think that you can’t really appeal to them anyway--short of picking Sanders for VP (which won’t happen of course).
These are no more reliable votes for the Democratic nominee than Bernie’s young base would be.
There have been Sanders supporters who don’t play nicely with others on the internet, who don’t realize that sneering at others who generally agree on many of the same lefty issues is not productive, who revel in the clout that comes with embarrassing some verified Twitter user over a lukewarm Sanders take. And I…
This is also true. Some of the shit about Bernie Bros is overblown, but watching the way Warren got shit on in the stretch run of this campaign by Bernie supporters, culminating with Bernie supporters absolutely astonished that she was hesitant to endorse him was really something. Like, you really have to take a step…
Also, Warren can’t tweet without hate from Bernie supporters. It’s hard to shift support to him when you liked someone as amazing and who did so much as she has done when his supporters need reporting. Seriously, that hate can put such a bad taste in a person’s mouth, along with Bernie’s record of doing less than…
Bernie’s supporters always seem to approach his candidacy as if it’s an inherent reality that young people are better, or more worthy, or more valuable. Votes, in the end, are valuable, and all people are valuable, as everyone’s effort to shelter and protect the elderly happens now. WHY does Biden need to win over…