
If Ben wants to fuck off to Cambodia forever, that would be Phnompenhal.

Not in an attempt to rain on your parade, but honestly, I just kinda wish Luck, RG III, Cam Newton and Kaepernick had been born six or seven years later. Imagine what kind of Tecmo Bowl football we’d be seeing if those four players had graduated into an NFL coaching system that decided to adapt to their skill set,

The October 28th game will determine next year’s draft.

I swear to fucking God if the Steelers go 0-16 with Roethlisburger out and the Dolphins win a game in December that they have no business winning, I’m going to lose my goddamned mind.

Now playing

Hopefully the director has learned that it’s never a great idea to put an 80-year-old guy on TV to talk about anything.

This guy gets paid millions of dollars to generate hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue for his owners. In return he will live with medical issues and addictions that the NFL will do SFA to help him with.

Yeah, that’s always been my rule of thumb. If you’re watching a game, at the stadium or at home, go ahead with “We should have scored” or “The Refs are screwing us”.

i think it’s fine as long as the fans are just talking about on-field accomplishments. “We win” or “we lost” is perfectly fine. The moment someone starts using we in reference to front office decisions, the culture of the team, or charity done by the team, I know that person is delusional.

This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

In the cases of Cone and Maddux, I would argue that the results from having a personal catcher were well worth it. Unless you think that somehow Maddux winning 355 games was disappointing.

Are you sure you don’t mean Artie Lange?

Yes. It is super dumb, and makes no sense. It is just more of NASCAR grasping at straws, trying to figure out what to do about their ever declining ratings and attendance. They’re trying to appeal to the type of sports fan that watches all stick and ball sports, and maybe even bets on them or plays the fantasy

He’s buddies with one of the most successful real estate developers and casino operators in the world, too.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Sounds like his sternum needs to be terrified of his clavicle

Something something something...

It’s all bullshit anyway. Even if they released him, another team would have signed him, just as The Browns did with Kareem Hunt. Until the NFL starts handing out lifetime bans (I almost got through typing that without laughing) teams cannot be trusted to police these situations themselves. Someone will always “take a

Wait, does he look exactly like he sounds? Dear comment reader, you know he does.

You have a couple typos in there.

Can’t, I’m at work.