
I totally understand you. My mom's youngest brother (10 years younger than her) died last year from the effects of his alcoholism and it was devastating. We knew he was incredibly sick, but I don't think any of us expected him to die since it wasn't quite as "serious" as something like cancer, even though he had a

I have no idea why I am so upset at the idea of him dying. I don't even like his music much except for the (many) times he is featured on other songs, and I do like his older stuff before he went off the deep end. I think I just get really emotionally wrapped up in celebrity news, as I cry pretty much anytime any

Yes they have! I was really surprised when I started because my periods were never super heavy before but now they are so light I love it! It's also helped with my acne (the reason I was prescribed it in the first place) so thus far I am pleased.

I'm on Gianvi too! Nothing much else to add to the conversation. Except my price did go up this month momentarily to $80 but after I called the pharmacy it went back down to $8, I think I just ordered the refill too early.

I've been rotating around so many shows on this tonight, I'm currently watching that 70's show and I have been reminded as to why I LOVE this show!

SUAVE!!! This is the best dry shampoo of all time. It doesn't leave a weird residue, smells amazing and it's $2 a bottle.

I'm nowhere near getting married, but I'm going to go with my mom's advice to only change my last name if the guy I am marrying has an AWESOME last name or a name that flows well with my first name. My mom didn't change her name because my dad's name is super boring (and I inherited said boring name) but she was

I'm actually not sure, you are probably right. As a college student my idea of "really expensive" is very uninformed as I currently have no money, and I go to school in a city where housing is really cheap. If you moved to DTSS it would be feasible to live without a car, but it would be difficult to go anywhere that

I live in Silver Spring (and have my entire life, I go to college far away now but I still live at home on breaks) and you probably need a car. Living right on the metro is really expensive, and I live about 10 minutes away from the SS metro and 15 minutes away from the Takoma metro (I usually drive there instead to

It is! I grew up there/live there when I'm not at school and it's definitely the best state I could think of living in and I'll probably end up living there after I'm done with school (mostly because all the jobs I want are concentrated in DC anyways and I can take advantage of living with my parents for a little bit

I've found that the Old Navy ones last a LOT longer than Target ones. My Target ones ripped within a month and the 2 pairs of Old Navy leggings have lasted since November. I think they were $10, and one of them I got on sale for $5 (but I think that was on Black Friday).

There are many other factors that may have been in play here that she didn't feel the need to share. Maybe she was using condoms, maybe she didn't know that when she was throwing up the BC was coming up too (that probably wouldn't occur to me), or another outside factor that would cause an accident to happen. You have

Pregnancy dreams are the WORST. I had them multiple times throughout high school, and each time for some reason it never occurred to me to think of who the father would be. My favorite (worst) of these dreams was that I was pregnant, as was this other girl in my class, and my least favorite teacher decided to make an

I have a variation of this dream, where I found out that I was registered for a class but had no idea until it was too late to even drop it so I have to catch up on like 3 month's worth of work and the teacher hates me. I think it's stress related because it only happens for me around midterms and finals.

Well, I've watched Gilmore Girls 3 times straight through, but that was over the course of a couple of years because it used to be on ABC Family every day at 11and 5pm. Now it's simply Netflix for me, which has allowed me to watch the majority of SVU. Now I'm trying to catch up on Scandal as it's my current obsession.

I have synesthesia (words and numbers have colors, dates/time have spaces) and it's always my fun fact in weird group situations! The only problem with it is that every time I mention it people want to know what color their name is... Usually if it has an "e" in it it's automatically green, and "a" is automatically

I need to tell this to someone: I am currently living in a freshman dorm, and this girl on my floor (that I dislike for a myriad of other reasons) NEVER WASHES HER HANDS. Whenever we're in the bathroom together, I stare at her judgmentally when she just walks straight out of the stall and out of the bathroom. There

I used to use that moisturizer both day and night, but I personally would probably use a moisturizer that has a little more moisture in it at night just because this moisturizer is made for oily skin but I still didn't find that it was very moisturizing, which oily skin still needs! I use the Olay sensitive daily

Sorry it's a bit late, but I use the Olay sensitive skin daily moisturizer and it has spf 15 in it! It's very gentle, and I used it every day for several years. About 5 months ago I switched to the moisturizer Tanyo was recommending, and I liked it, but I couldn't find it when I was shopping the other day and went

"Consists of latex and a thin layer of baby powder" I cannot see these as being remotely comfortable... yet im kind of digging the silver ones.