
So, what are the odds that this is less about Megan Kelly, and far more about the fact that Trump has just passed Cruz in the latest Iowa polls? The aggregates actually having him pulling out to a pretty meaningful lead, especially with less than a week to go. And New Hampshire is still easily his to lose. So why step


this was the perfect opportunity for

They had the PERFECT opportunity to classify feminine hygiene products as necessary goods and remove the luxury tax! Why did this not happen!

And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.

ding ding ding

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Khloe has a talk show? o_O

Ooooh, I’m sure Kris would love it. Her nickname for the baby would be “ratings”.

Appropriate, since I am sure Kris considers her family ‘American Royalty.’ I eagerly await a diagram in this week’s Midweek Madness.

I’m waiting for them to go full Borgia.

This is like, European monarchs level of family dating fuckery.

Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.

all that sweet sweet rape money...

To be fair if you see the whole post that guy put up and the context it is not what it seems. He says this in response to those defending the piece of shit rapist and he is not referring to any of the victims in the cases here. I mean, he shouldn’t have said it like that but basically he was arguing that these victims

You seem to not understand how bias works. If the system existed to screw everyone that would be draconian but not biased.

Yeah, I'd say that's the thing though. We know shit is fucked. But somewhere, in OK no less, the system worked and put a serious dickbag behind bars. It's a celebration!

I am really enjoying all the weeping this human skidmark is doing.