
So brave. So moving.

That’s what socialism buys you. Bad audio feeds. And, you know, gloriously unprofitable productions of literature and not the seventh Avengers movie.

If you actually had facts to report about Future’s involvement with his other children or any possible drug use, that would be one thing. As it is, it’s entirely possible that the album name is just a name that’s intended to be provocative and that he regularly has visitation with his other children (it’s not as if

I hear the best way to win a legal custody battle is to bitch about it on twitter...

You think there are meetings? About messaging? Huh. I was more of the belief that the campaign simply says whatever happens to cross their minds at that particular point in time.

Absolute garbage person. The social safety net is the only reason she, her mother, and her daughter were able to have the possibilities they did. Now she’ll slit the throat of anyone else born in her circumstances.

Wow, fuck those people. I mean, I guess maybe we shouldn’t be all that surprised, since they pretty consistently show they have zero capacity to empathize with another’s situation. But that is next level assholery.

Are you OK?

After my car accident outside of the abortion clinic, protesters came to my car and were waving rosaries with plastic fetuses in place of the beads in the window. Never asked if I was okay.

I like this lady. You could say that she really puts the BROAD in BROADcasting.

I prefer these bullets.

Er, yeah, but I think with those guys it goes a little deeper than “fuckboy.”

I am laughing so hard that I am crying.

I like the outfits (ALL THE GLITTER YES), but the picture is making me sad. No matter what a gnat Kylie is, it’s truly terrible that she had to erase her whole face to start getting her mother’s approval.

Kylie and Kris. Just a couple of Balmainiacs.

I can only assume the truth is somewhere in the middle. I mean he is a teenage boy. He probably has his days. And she’s a a single mother who is also Madonna so she could be sort of controlling. I don’t know that Guy Ritchie is purposely sowing discord? Maybe he’s just a really relaxed dad and doesn’t agree with

He probably gave him a piece of cheese, since she is super anti-dairy.

For God’s sake, Madonna, what’s he doing, letting the kid watch television and see his friends on his school break? Maybe have a cookie once in a while?