Hey Now Hank Kingsley

Tina's advice at the end was straight up wrong, but leave her alone.

Awesome comedian makes awesome joke about stress eating. The end

She's wrong but don't shit on good people.

I disagree with her thesis but she's funny as hell and it comes from a good place (not wanting good people hurt).

Gene Simmons (music)

Emperor makes some of the best heavy music ever, but they have some troubling views for sure.

Ask them about Japanese people if you want to behold some weirdness.

Yep. Bayard Rustin was one of his chief compatriots.

Letting loose the lightning of his terrible swift sword.

Hooray for the dipshit majority!

They like to sing about scalping skinheads. They might suck but they're fairly woke.

I got into an argument with one on FB yesterday. I was proud of how civil I was being. I concluded with God bless you (I'm an atheist but they didn't know that). They responded with "YOU CAN BURN IN HELL!!!!!!"

Juggalos hate them some racism. They aight.

Ten dudes marching with one Nazi makes eleven Nazis.

I'm pretty sure Donald wrote it and his doctor signed it. It's the only thing that explains the "healthiest presidential candidate" thing.

Centrists: "Only kill half the Jews"

The Bungle version is glorious.

If ten guys are ok with hanging around with one Nazi, you have eleven Nazis- Chris Rock

You are a moral failure.

OK Judge Holden