Did the Spin Doctors regenerate?
Did the Spin Doctors regenerate?
Or she's lying now about the reason she went to rehab. Which she is.
Groban likes his lady to pop.
Are you the idiot?
Never take a razor blade to a tire.
You just made me actually, no shit, honest-to-god laugh both outwardly and loudly.
I thought you were making that up: my god, how did they a 5.0 V8 in that thing?
In humanity's defense, all of those seals have been convicted of felonies.
Not only are those theories plain ol' insulting to the ingenuity of the human race, ignorant of what "lots of time" plus "slave labor" can equal, but they're also racist.
I blame you.
All that video needs is Benny Hill music and it would be perfect.
What's wrong with 8-tracks? It was the only portable format for a while and worked, you know: well enough.
Too tame for the jungle, too wild for the zoo.
I don't know why, but this made me fall deeply, deeply in love with you.
Well, perhaps her karma isn't improved by constantly spouting off about it in interviews.
But he looks like...that.
She could take Life on Mars out behind the middle school and get it pregnant.
They're used a lot by urban police forces here, mostly for crowd control. They can go on the streets or the sidewalk and three or four of them abreast will get even the dumbest, drunkest crowd moving in whichever direction they choose.
She should have been condescended to: she's an idiot.