Pistol Whipped Cream


Great Pictures and Videos! also, thank you for your service!

and the 4Runners!

A lot of fans still hold D’Antoni in high regards. I dont know how much help he will be in this current situation but it’s worth a shot right? The only risk is losing favor with us Phoenicians.

the McD’s Sticks were put out in NYC about a year ago to test the waters and I travel there quite often. I was suprised at how good they were (especially at $1) and found myself at McD’s in Mahattan on every trip.

I don’t know how an automaker can just refuse to make an entry level Sedan... I get not making 500,000 of them but there has to be some sweet spot where they can make 10,000 (that will sell) and still remain profitable. or am I wrong?

Whatever trim you get, make sure you have some left over for the extended warranty!

Take note everybody. Doug picked out what he wants for Christmas this year.

Great Story! I noticed in most of their marketing materials the cars are “parked”. We know that they are really broken down.

It is a V8. There is a 5.0 Sticker that goes right here.... SEE!

It looks too “nice” to me. I much prefer the new Tacoma.

Doug has reached a new level when people are writing Fan Fiction about his adventures...

Very Rare indeed. Maybe because you are new. I feel like this might change over time.

Conan has been really good lately. I like his stuff in the studio alright but he is really a cut above the rest when he gets out and about.

What about the 2015’s and 16’s? These should be what they are focusing on first right? That way they can start selling again.

Wait, so what car did you buy?

Im glad that David Stern Left because he was corrupt...

I know Camry’s get a lot of flack here on Jalopnik. I daily one and I love it. Never had a single issue in 70K miles. It’s not the greatest car. I am looking for something else but I will keep the Camry. At least it isn't a dodge caliber.

Used one in a buddy’s car. Maybe it just takes getting used to?

i hate that fake mouse pointer though. Just give me a touchscreen that works.