I'm not one of them

I have never seen such outrage, indignation and support for people who are not citizens. Why should representatives whose salaries we pay care one iota about people their own countries could careless about? Blacks are at the bottom of every social economic avenue and I don’t hear or see nary an outcry. They can

Everybody can’t come here. Why is this so difficult to accept?

Obama did NOTHING for black people. As he publicly stated, (paraphrased)“I’m not only the blacks president”. But he can come out of retirement to speak on behalf of folks who aren’t even citizens. I have a question for him, how many of these dreamers voted for you?

I am at a lost as to why someone like myself, a descendant of slaves should care about plight of folks who are not citizens? When did blacks get the come up to where this issue should be a priority of us? In all of my years I have never seen the public out pour and support for blacks in this country on any level

The incident of the Asian doctor who was dragged off of United Airlines was filmed by someone’s cell phone. I did not hear anyone describe that scene as, “the officers appear to...”. When someone films abuse against Black people it’s one or two suggestions: 1) the incident is under investigation or 2) the video

These young men and black people as a whole it’s time to wake up. We go through generation after generation making other folks wealthy and then we wonder why we’re still at the bottom of the barrel. I agree with another poster who said if these young folks want an education that badly they can get student loans like

As a black person I could care less about what one white person thinks or feels about another white person. Space at the end of the day none of them care two cents about us. Even if Hillary made the presidencyour lives would still be the same.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone would think that thinking they are a different sex makes it so. It’s just like me waking up one morning and saying oh I’m a senator so therefore I’m going to just March right up to Washington and take a seat. What happened to common sense?

s some of these so-called black Democratic leaders get on my last nerve. They had no outrage at all when blacks was being shot down in the streets every week. these black Democrats in my book are so hypocritical as long as Barack was in office doing absolutely zero for black people you didn’t hear them now you can’t

This is so classless. You would think grown women would carry themselves and a better standard in something like this.