
Respecting others' religious rights does not have to mean submitting to all the rules of that religion. If she had shown up to a church or an american jehovah's witnesses kingdom hall in jeans and a t-shirt, I doubt that people would be so outraged. And celebrity or citizen, nobody should be getting arrested for

As I have a penis (edit, and identify as male) and spend an inordinate amount of time happily reading Jezebel, I'd like to thank all of Jezebels readers and writers for not making ham handed threats of deadly violence against me. Or as most people call it: acting like a normal fucking human being!

Hey, they'd LOVE to hear from us!!!

Umm....he's still threatening to kill women that violate his perceived right to "association" or whatever the fuck.

ehh who even cares, like the only people who know that MRA's exist are other MRA's and online feminists.

Perceived loss of social privilege.

On the bright side, admitting that women have a right to life is a step forewards for many MRAs

100% right. He is just saying that it seems like he is taking particular rage and even some kind of pleasure in the downfall of a black man due to wrongdoing, but didn't do the same in similar cases for white men. I don't remember who said it and google-fu is failing, but the idea that true equality is when men who

To play devil's advocate, you could argue that one allegation in Woody's case (even if the accuser was a child and has been incredibly consistent, while the accused has made some false claims about the case O_o) is not as weighty as 20+ over decades pointing to similar behavior.

The point is that there exists a double standard where people focus more on black criminals compared to white criminals and Kenya is pointing that out. Why hasn't Judd Appatow criticized Woody Allen? Why do people have no problem talking shit about Chris Brown but say little to nothing about Charlie Sheen? Being a

He was totally on-point with this Tweet though:

They look nothing alike.

Many other languages have a word for this and we don't, and I think it's bullshit. Outbarrassed is as close as I can get, but that's not quite right. I have seen less than 10 episodes of The Office because I can't stand that feeling. I can handle my own nonsense, but I can't stand being embarrassed on behalf of


My favorite was the man, all set to read with papers in hand, slowly backing up and then finally disappearing completely from the frame. That is truly a GIFable moment.

"It's not just a difference in the way that we measure things?" Kooiman replied. "Is it not as safe in that part of the world? Because our viewers may be thinking, 'International travel, is it safe? Is it not safe?'"

Well, actually he's being honest about shoving down your throat.

I thought the moral of the story was be white and attractive all you'll have all the monies and people will like you.

5%? not even. Last Christmas transcends generations; Republican - Democrat divide; Language barriers; Religion.

Thank God you've elected to descend from on high to tell us that we're wasting our lives because we're not reading the highbrow brilliance that is vampire literature.