
Emma Watson is an incredible human being and the smartest witch of her age. I completely agree with her outreach to men to help us achieve gender equality. Men are also negatively effected by the expectations of their gender and both men and women would be better off with equality.

Well, technically it would be Emma Watson for Prime Minister, yeah? Minister for Magic works too.

A long, long time avo my baby died.in utero. Your excellent piece of writing made me cry, yet feel at peace with letting the hospital cremate her. After 32 years, I finally know what happened to her and I am at peace with it. Thank you for thus.

Kinda seems like "do your homework" really means "say nice things about my program."

I apologize, you guys. I actually once said this once to Christopher Plummer during a performance of King Lear. It was awkward.

I reeeeeeally don't get the disgust from people in response to an ingredient (meat) the meal *doesn't contain*. It makes no logical sense whatsoever, it's like if I said, "What?! This sandwich DOESN'T HAVE tomatoes on it? That's revolting!"

I find that if you don't tell anyone it's vegan, the reactions afterward are priceless. People enjoyed themselves fully and then you blow their minds and they feel cheated.

Right? I've asked my family to attend my vegan wedding dinner and the response is OH GOD HOW COULD WE SURVIVE ONE SINGLE MEAL OF OUR LIVES WITHOUT OUR PRECIOUS STEAK? I get it; eat whatever you want, I don't care. I'm not a preacher. But for christ's sake, it's one meal of your entire life.

I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

This is bullshit. La merde. Scheisse. I'm out of languages I know how to say shit in. Seriously, it's a fucking CARTOON. Of sex-ed type things. That is by no means pornographic, so sorry!

The main reason they HAVEN'T done this yet is money. If they were to completely side-step cable providers, the likes of Comcast and Verizon will not license their content anymore and they will lose loads of money and HBO won't be able to crank out shows with large production costs. You know what they say: don't bite

Don't do that. The human race is fundamentally good, otherwise logically we wouldn't have reached 9 billion people. People are great and kind towards each other every second of every day. It's just the few crazy ones that get most if not all of the news coverage. If we had a news channel exclusively devoted to good

Wat. No. It makes it funnier because throwing tacos is a much funnier mental image than throwing pizza or hamburgers. You've got fixins flying EVERYWHERE with airborne tacos.

Also, "taco day" is fun to say.

Totally disagree. First of all, SRO's are badged police officers. Secondly, in my experience with SRO's, they been the reason that harder punishments have not been dolled out. It's a felony to bring drugs to school with intent to deliver (this includes prescription drugs) and SRO involvement has put more kids in

FINALLY!! No more Kanye and Kim coverage!!!!

Look forward to another couple months of "Do You Know a Quiet Person? They May Be a Mass Murderer in the Making" headlines.

I'm pretty sure death is fairer than life: it comes for everyone, equally, eventually, without prejudice or bias. The only thing that alters the timing is life.

Fucking horrible. ETA: The video is ADORABLE. Makes me even madder.

A film passes if at *any* point in the film, 2 women have a point about *anything* other than a man. It could be 2 scientists discussing astrophysics. It could just as easily be the girlfriends of the 2 [male] main characters talking about their up coming weddings and babies.

I think the problem that everyone commenting and being like "BUT WAT ABOUT TEH INNOCENT MENZ" is missing is that while this tactic is decidedly less than ideal (as is all vigilante justice), the reason it exists is that victimized Columbia students feel like they have literally no other recourse than to publicize the