That’s not the way facts work. I don’t have to make a better infographic to know that this one has issues. My not making a competing infographic doesn’t make the opinions expressed here facts, nor does it make the wrong parts true.
That’s not the way facts work. I don’t have to make a better infographic to know that this one has issues. My not making a competing infographic doesn’t make the opinions expressed here facts, nor does it make the wrong parts true.
Not worth the trouble. I know Teslas have generally been pretty reliable, but there is often a strong correlation between needless gadgetry and incidence of repairs/issues. There’s a little bit of a “damned if you do” conundrum where you want to surprise and delight your buyers, but a couple malfunctions and they…
i was actually gonig to do it that one and then i got a golf trip to scotland sprung on me. White people problems.
I’m going to the July 31-Aug 1 session.
Well, I guess it’s time to book my ST octane academy session ASAP.
Jalopnik motorsports park?
Jon Stewart: “ cheating fucker.”
Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.
A goat on a navy cruiser? Surely you’re kidding us.
16 Working Valves
It’s been, what, seven years? And still, yet another new Brett Favre dick pic surfaces.
I’m guessing the AML sticker on the windshield stands for Aston Martin Lagonda... so everybody saying “Mustang” may be an idiot.
Don't feel foolish! Civilized discourse is the spice of life.
Thanks for the correction, I'll go back to just lurking now. By a 10th not to a 10th. I feel foolish.
I'd say it looks like his effectiveness is reduced after this one.
When did the Browns change the team name?
Darkside failed to manage their customer's expectations. Blame Darkside.
I have a feeling Deadspin won't be too broken up if you leave.