
If you still have a Saturn you owe it to yourself to invest in PseudoSaturn + a stack of CDRs. I’m absolutely baffled by the prices people are paying for Saturn discs at the moment.

Np if those are regular flags, Cp if they’re thin blue line flags.

You own a FoST, so you understand the depreciation cliff.

sorry, what’s the top image supposed to be of? i don’t see anything

Never argue with a sovereign citizen lolololol

Whoops, milkshake duck hawk

After the millennials are done killing Harley Davidson, they should aim straight for this company.

That site and community tho... I actually read a game recap that started with a fucking F Scott Fitzgerald quote. Pretentious and basic AF at the same time. The romance they have towards our sad sack team is real admirable though, and I can’t imagine having to still write things about this team daily in the real bad

Someone must’ve chopped the top off a Dodge Stealth, right?

Is your low-carb approach full on ketogenic? If not, you might try getting your carbs down to 20-30 g/day and increase fat intake. If so, have you tried a fat fast, where you get 75ish% of your cals from fat for up to 5 days? That’s previously helped me when I’ve plateaued.


you probably wrote this while wearing crocs

I’m from Jersey and still think this car is repug. CP.


That little girl is like 6. What is she doing with a pacifier?

I doubt those footers are legally binding.

business class

I feel like we’re really starting to scrape the barrel on these crowd-sourced listicles.

comment of the millennium. thank you.

bro, west coast spoilers