Breaking ground aka getting pictures of the CEO with a shovel while wearing a hard hat.
Breaking ground aka getting pictures of the CEO with a shovel while wearing a hard hat.
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Microphone, accelerometer seems like a good way to wake up to trying to fish my phone out from behind the bed...
Thanks for the recommendation! I tried Sleep Cycle last night and it seemed to work well, I’ll give it a few more nights to see if it is just a coincidence.
I hadn’t seen that one before, I never really like the idea of putting my phone under the mattress so I’ll have to give this a try.
I’ve been thinking about getting a tracker purely for the smart alarm features some have (e.g. checking where you are in your sleep pattern then waking you up accordingly when it is close to your alarm time). Has anyone had any luck with these? The promise of waking up like I woke up on my own every morning is pretty…
Oh so the movie studio decided to just get a real Local Motors vehicle (hopefully) instead of just knocking one off this time (https://localmotors.com/blog/post/fast…). Good call.
I was in Longo Toyota (El Monte, CA) last year. They took this idea and turned it up 10 fold. They have a whole strip mall inside that place!
“distribution competitors” is gold!
I think you mean:
Any alternatives for iOS?
That would be awesome, but I think a good portion of the anxiety from that is being put on the spot with questions you don’t know ahead of time (although you can make good guesses). Public speaking is easier since you already know what you are saying.
Oh yeah, I’ve totally resigned myself to that. That is why I’m all for a HellPac (you’re welcome FCA).
As someone probably buying a minivan for the wife soon, I whole heartedly support this!
Don’t be silly, that obviously won’t work.
and $335 in taxpayer incentives so far?
I usually make mine into a burrito instead, less chance for disaster and I can fit more stuff in there. I typically take my left over dressing (see recipe below) and scramble it with eggs for breakfast burritos.