
Rocky, Jerry, MW, Perkins.

"I had such hopes for Hill. I was so sure we were gonna be besties, staying up all night, eating junk food, playing 'F, Marry, Kill' about the leaders of Asia. We'd do each other's makeup, you know, just ChapStick and sunblock. Watch our favorite movie, Bad Moms. In Germany, this is about a mom who lets her child go

As long as that Disney princess is a bad bitch who don't take no shit, I approve.

He hasn't even fucked anyone to death since Canadian Trump. The fuck, Garrison?

Stan and Kenny were pretty much ignored the entire season. Even the thing with Stan and Wendy trying to get back together was left strangely unresolved. We better get a lot more of them and Randy next year and a lot less Gerald.

Ooh, I 'member that! 'Member the Church of Scientology Assholes forcing Isaac Hayes to quit the show because of that episode?

Waddle back to Syria, desert-tard.

This no-talent motherfucker is still making movies? Shouldn't he be crawling back to his safe space?

Really enjoyed this one, maybe even more than last year's The Wiz. But holy shit, the backstage intervals and god-awful product plugs were next to unbearable to sit through. And why the fuck would they have Darren Criss and not put him in as Corny or Link? Having him host the whole thing was such a waste.

Oh, I 'member that! 'Member Jakovasaurs?

There really needed to be more than ten episodes for a season this ambitious. Had there been at least three or four more, the plots would've had more time to breathe and stuff like the random vomit-brainwashing shit from "Oh, Jeez" could've been expanded on instead of just being completely ignored the next week.

Hey, Leslie, shut your fucking piehole!

This was about the sloppiest fucking finale South Park has ever given us. Gerald infuriatingly got away with his trolling in the end, the member berry/stormtrooper plot was completely scrapped, and Cartman's now stuck in a weird love/hate relationship with Heidi. The writers dug themselves into such a big hole, no

Wow, two shitty R-rated Christmas comedies no one asked for in the same year. Who woulda thought?

I'm calling it now. This is gonna win Best Picture. It's rare to see a live-action musical in this day and age, let alone one that wears its heart on its sleeve so unabashedly. Damien Chazelle's got a damn long career ahead of him, that's for sure.

Well, this comment section turned into a goddamn cesspool quicker than I thought possible.

This earned an A- for me just for Jenny Slate alone. Anytime she's on the show is a goddamn treat.

Jaden should just stick to trying to create a facial expression that doesn't look he's taking a shit.

Cece and Winston's friendship is currently my favorite fucking thing right now.

If Limp Bizkit were super pretentious, skinny jean-wearing emos.