
Brown Russian?

Kinda wish TN would follow legalization...

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

I actually really enjoyed that episode...

I miss Behind Closed Ovens.

Guns are restricted. People with felony convictions and dishonorable discharges can’t have them. Like this guy.

Man acknowledges that criminals break the law. Shocker.

How come UNO, Scythe and Stars Wars Risk aren’t in the board game header at the end? I prefer to just skim the descriptions and read the list at the end because I know things I’m interested in. So it’s a little weird to see that somethings aren’t making it. I noticed it with LEGO not being under Toys the other day as

How come UNO, Scythe and Stars Wars Risk aren’t in the board game header at the end? I prefer to just skim the

From what I can tell, the tabloids weren’t just pointing out incorrect things she said, they were editorializing her into - as the article above says - a “serial liar”. Seems like it’s the difference between reporting that I am 31 pounds overweight, ordered two sandwiches at lunch yesterday, and only left a $1 tip at

I’m with you. It’s getting absolutely out of hand. I used to scroll to the bottom of these posts so I can quickly/efficiently look at the list of deals, but now the images and descriptions plague that section too. It’s so difficult to find the things you are actually interested in now. I don’t need a synopsis of every

I’m with you. It’s getting absolutely out of hand. I used to scroll to the bottom of these posts so I can

Now my fellow PA peeps can focus on booting Toomey from office next year.

A theme of Trumps campaign was bringing the factories back. But one of the reasons the factories went away - in addition to being able to buy labor at slave-level wages in China - is working at a factory in the post-industrial revolution era is about possesing a high-education, or at least a skill. The iPhone is made

Republicans will no doubt prove what spineless shells of humans they are and vote DeVos in. Party over Country. Money over Children.

I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate