Denzel Washyourtongue

Someone leaked a draft of his acceptance speech:

Shit like this is why DA elections matter. If you have one in office who honestly doesn’t even have to be Superman, just one who sees racist charges as potentially jeopardizing their careers, stops like this decrease.

Manhandling Black women like its nothing because they believe they will suffer no consequences. I wonder how much of this the children saw. Just the fact that their mother/aunt was taken away is enough! How was the father treated after they knocked his daughter out for no damn reason? Just how much horrible violent

Every concussion is brain damage and there is no such thing as “knocked out for only a little while.” Real life is not a cartoon, the longer you are unconscious the greater the risk of severe brain damage and death. The police officers need to be imprisoned for their violent behavior.

Yes they will have your back....in their sites as you have a target on it now. He needs to: start seeing a therapist, have that therapist write a prescription for no work duty due to anxiety and stress THEN file the papers for family medical leave and take the time off until his suit gets to court. Might want to think

Lie down with pigs, wake up with swine flu.

Rabbit joins fox squad, is surprised that his “colleagues” keep trying to eat him.

Anyone shocked by this in Upstate NY, don’t be. Syracuse alum, I can attest that there is a lot of the “South” up in that area. It is Trump country, don’t get it twisted.

“Gay was among a group of officers who had been previously sued for bringing pornography to work and discriminating against Sonia Dotson, a Hispanic female community service officer.”

We must condemn all forms of online abuse!

Anti-vaxxers: The medical community universally agrees that vaccines work and will drastically slow the spread of COVID. Anyone who disagrees is a moron and must be shamed into compliance for the sake of public health.

I think I’ve seen this story before.  This is when they send him on a dangerous call alone and when he calls for backup they mysteriously forget to appear, right?

Or, at a minimum, has terrible, broken judgment in identifying bad people in her orbit and how her financial backing of them doesn’t make them good.

Remember an Ashleigh can also be a Hannah, Breleigh, Camryon or Stefanie. They also joined a white sorority but dated lots of black guys so they cannot be racist. I feel that the full impact of Karenology needs to be a college course. We could call it Critical Bitch Theory: How to use Yoga Pants, Pumpkin Spice and

One more time: You would think after ALL of the incidents of the past year that these bitches would learn, but no. Whiteness never sleeps, takes a vacation or thinks about anything other than their own needs. Hey Richard Cooper THIS IS WHY THE BITCH THAT CALLED THE POLICE ON YOU DIDN’T SUFFER ENOUGH!!!! These soulless

In a race to see who has the most punchable face between Chump Jr, Tuckems & DeSuckass, they all come in a Covid dead heat.

Every day another of these sociopathic GOP assholes doubles down in an attempt to be a bigger ghoul. From DeathSantis in Florida, To Abbott in Texas to the other subhumans in Mississippi and Tennessee they appear to be in a race to the bottom. Not that any of us should give a shit. This week in Tennessee in a supposed

She and her giant Michael Jordan suits

OK Josh, I’ll start.

Those GOP cries about “election security” and “voter fraud” will be rolling in aaaaaaany minute now, I’m sure.