
Obviously this leads to the very important question, “Where’s my Overwatch Saturday morning cartoon?”

Destiny really does have a great community. Of course there are idiots, because, y’know, people, but overall it’s a very positive, helpful community. Always cool to hear stories like this :)

I preordered Target first because they were the only ones left at the time. Then my wife put money down at a local shop and I cancelled Target immediately. Sounds like I would have been fine either way!

For your infrastructure question - releasing it now, into a live environment that they cannot simulate in test and development, allows them to fix what needs to be before the major sales period.

Looks like a hardware problem to me.

I don’t think it was needless.

Best case scenario: really bad firmware/driver errors/flaws, causing possible interference between the two Joy Cons. This can be fixed by an update.

OMG YES!!!!!

Well, first we’ll have to suffer through a half dozen of crapped out releases of these generic top down New Legend of Zeldas directly from Nintendo, and THEN we’ll get our chance at the tools and making our own. You will not be able to upload your levels on the future portable version.

Shit. My first thought was another 2D Zelda spinoff game.

man, i hope so

Anyone want to bet that this will serve as their prototype for Zelda Maker?

Oculus seems like shitty people, don’t wanna support them.

I would bet that as a reason leading towards the price drop.

Smart move, but doesn’t change the fact that you need to spend even more money building a computer to run it properly.

Good. 200$ for the controllers was way too much.

Vr already crashed and burned. Bye

Also considering that Playstation VR is close to moving 1 million units...

People, FFS, valuation of Uber is based on future value. The reason why uber is worth so much is because of the money spent to expand the business and the estimated cash flow of Uber in the future.