DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”
DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”
Good Afternoon Betsy,
They started from the fact that there were too many students in America who did not have equal access to education.
Noise be dammed (I have 5 extra case fans that I can turn up and down at will anyway), 6GB for $150 is a steal. I’m happy with my impulse purchase.
Noise be dammed (I have 5 extra case fans that I can turn up and down at will anyway), 6GB for $150 is a steal. I’m…
6GB, I must have gotten one of the last ones.
6GB, I must have gotten one of the last ones.
It is the 6GB version. I got one of the last ones. Score indeed!
It is the 6GB version. I got one of the last ones. Score indeed!
The reviews for that 6gb version weren’t all that hot. Amazon had 7 reviews, talked about a slightly noisy fan and build quality concerns. (It was a single fan version). But still, for $190, could have been worse.
The reviews for that 6gb version weren’t all that hot. Amazon had 7 reviews, talked about a slightly noisy fan and…
Sweet. I’ve been meaning to update my graphics card. GTX 1060 for $150? Yes please.
Sweet. I’ve been meaning to update my graphics card. GTX 1060 for $150? Yes please.
Do you want to go back to the days of only heavily edited trailers to judge games by?
So now streamers are going to start acting like shitty infomercial pitch men while you watch. Awesome.
Does the king give the jester gold if he performs? NO, he beheads him when he fails at it!
Before, were there streamers that played games that they thought were bad? With anything I’ve seen on twitch the players seemed to enjoy whatever they were playing.
One potential downside to this is partnered streamers now have an incentive to basically become used car salesmen since it’s now in their best interest to convince their audience that the game they’re playing is fun so that the audience will buy it and the streamer will get money.
Probably Amazon’s. If the purchasing is done through them, then the refund policy should be too.
Keep on kicking ass little dude.
I’m glad all of the comments are mentioning Actual Crazy Taxi, since the article for some reason doesn’t at all, even when talking about Ripoff Crazy Taxi’s name change.
great meme
Wow why did you cancel Gamestop’s Circle of Life program Jason?
good on gamestop for changing. but ultimately, this all ties back to really bad/high demand district managers. district managers need to have more accountability for turnover rate in their district, or something that weeds out district managers that will twist any program to their benefit.
I have to say, this feels like a real win for Kotaku, GameStop, and journalism in general. Nicely done.