
Anyone else notice the digitized voice sounds oddly like terry crews? 

PUBG Mobile is not the same experience as PUBG on Xbox or PC. Plus switches internet play is LOLZ

Whatever. Typical gaming elitist. Grow up. 

Just buff rockets or give them tracking and nerf reload a tad. He needs a mobility boost more than anything. 

Her drones are buffed now. TTK in them are twice as long and they do 3 times the damage. You almost need someone sniping her drones and a Winston to dive and be effective. 

The point is it’s coming to PS4 eventually and no one cares one way or another. PS4 fans generally are not PUBG type of players. Let’s be honest. 

Enough to have less of a wait for games on a Xbox than on pc. So over 800k probably  

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. PUBG would never run on a switch. And I don’t think that it will outsell Xbox when it hits PS4 either. 

Solder needs a speedbuff and helix to hit a bit harder for sure. 

It sold 3 million copies. I think they did okay on Xbox. Lol. 

Affiliate is just a way for twitch to dig into people pockets even more. I am and know plenty of affiliates. Most don’t get a payout because they don’t qualify. That money goes straight into twitch’s pockets. Twitch is losing a ton of mid level streamers to Facebook and Mixer. It’s starting to rot from the middle

Uh. They do take 48 hour breaks. It’s called the weekend or a vacation. As a streamer , most don’t get either. Bad analogy.  

Or free if you used the accessibility upgrade which was available till January for a free copy.

Who bought a windows 10 license. They gave that stuff away for free for the longest time lol

Yeah. Ninja Theory is some misc. studio. Lol.

So it’s warframe mixed with destiny?!

People complain about a crackdown 3’s delay, But how long was this in Development?! Seriously takes Sony 4 years to make anything.

Bingo. I actually used to use the composite cables on my psp and play in on my tv. It’s a great port.

This. It’s a reach; but this is the case they will make.

It’s one of the TOP 3 games on PSP imho. I bought it day one and found no difference in the ps1 version and the psp version.