Piss off. Your petty is showing. Bless your heart. Cunt.
Piss off. Your petty is showing. Bless your heart. Cunt.
G203 Prodigy by Logitech. It’s the gPro with less frills and retails for 29.99 usd. https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/product/g203-prodigy-gaming-mouse
G203 Prodigy by Logitech. It’s the gPro with less frills and retails for 29.99 usd. https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/p…
I’d KILL for a shinning collection. They could take all my money lol.
My Grandfather was a master carpenter. He fell off a church steeple he was building. X-ray showed he had stage 4 Colon cancer. He died 3 days later. Sometimes you just gotta keep going to keep living.
The only correct answer is SNES. Period.
Right! So many gems on saturn; it’s sad that they are just dying and fading way with what’s left of Sega Saturns in the wild..
You should play Shining The Holy Ark. It was such a gem on Saturn.
Here here! Don’t forget about Shining in the Darkness and Shining the Holy Ark !Totally agree. Shining is so much better than FF and deserves to come back.
Dilly Dilly! It’s great I can catch up on AAA on the go now. Nintendo is killing it.
I’m calling meteor showers are going to be like the red zone in pubg.
It’s a combo of both really. Good loot and good positioning. Lupo and ninja always say that about tilted.
They land at tilted because it the middle of the map. From there your smack dab in or near the circle at a higher statistical rate. Highly skilled players do. Ninja talks about it all the time.
It’s because of positioning. You go to tilted and survive, your probably going to be pretty smack dab in the circle , if not in the final circle area.
You are in the biz I can tell.
Hibiki and Nikka ftw. I’ve turned so many people into Japanese whiskey. At first people are turned a back to the concept; but when they actually try it, they love it.
Came for this. Did not disappoint.
Hey it worked with PC gaming.
Makes me misty about my Game Gear. I miss that fucker.