
Tretinoin is the best thing going for actually treating wrinkles in the long run, since it will result in increased collagen and elastin formation over time. Sadly, I can’t use it since it irritates my skin too much. If you’ve only been using it for a short time, chances are that you’ll work up a tolerance and your

Hi Jezzies! What are you up to tonight? Netflix PSA - Best in Show and the Princess Bride are both streaming now, so that basically sums up my plans for tonight (adding in some time to pump breastmilk, enjoy a couple of glasses of champagne, and chill with my cranky 7 week old baby.)

Pouring one out for the pitiful old rich white guy still spouting misogyny.

Because I clean the toilet so if I want it down, it stays down. Rather than argue the numbers etc. I’m just gonna throw it out there and say the rule should be: s/he who cleans the toilet decides default seat position. In my house - it’s down.

In my house we put both the seat and the lid down every time. Who wants to see inside the toilet bowl anyway?

Just remember to put the seat back down after y’all are done today, k?

“Hernandez stumbled back to the party and found her friends. When she told them what happened, they immediately took her to the hospital. Hernandez spoke to police, and her mother flew out the very next day.”

If I’m reading this correctly, the victim did go to the police. The rapist is serving 20 years for the conviction. Their completely valid suit against the university is that they refused counseling services to the victim (likely in hopes of shutting her up so their athletic program wouldn't get more bad press).

Funny you should ask...

Burn it to the ground. It’s surprising enough she got a conviction out of a football player in Texas. Hopefully she gets fuck-you rich off of this and these football factories masquerading as places of learning might think twice before minimizing a victim of the environment they created.

Otherwise, McCraw said, it would come down to a “he said-she said” situation, and the school could not act on it.

I have with an Ex and FYI it feels exactly like these:

My second had a lot of hair, and it never fell out. She has more hair than any 5 year old I know now, and it’s impossible to keep tamed.