
Damn. You and I would totally get along IRL. I pretty much wrote out this exact post prior to reading yours (right down to saying “Joe ____” and talking about the optics).

Your entire argument is based on the idea that asking people to be aware of intersectionalism, and shaming those that forget under-privileged minorities are being too ‘politically correct’ and ‘harming’ their own cause by too-zealously pushing their philosophical ideals or niche viewpoints. In other words, the

Berkley leftists couldn’t tolerate a British gay Jew giving a speech, so they rioted with masks on. So heroic.

It’s a well versed ideology. You’re trivializing it as “people who are passionate about a cause.” I’m passionate about animal welfare. That doesn’t make me an SJW.

Ah yes, “Social Justice Warrior”, the new “Bleeding-Heart Liberal” of this century. It’s as silly a term now as it was the first time around, and is once again being used to justify reactionary behavior.

It doesn’t, but the SJWs, the ANTIFA rioters, the anarchist rioters, the vagina hat wearers, those are the voices drowning out the measured Democrats. In fact if you’re not a firebrand Democrat right now, at best no one is listening, and at worst they’re accusing you of being complicit with Trump for not threatening

Notice how you’re unable to deny any of what I wrote. It’s so stupid yet you can’t throw any words on the screen to refute it.

I fucking love your name.

SJW cancer culture didn’t reach a boiling point until 2015-2016.

Strangely there were no calls to boycott theaters when the movie this series is based on—also called Dear White People—debuted in 2014,

Economic boycotting as done by the ‘left’ - Perfect! Heroes all.

So you must be saying that when illegal immigration was as its lowest point in American history, there were no hotels.

So you must be saying that when illegal immigration was as its lowest point in American history, there were no restaurants.


I can’t tell if you’re being ironic or are legitimately this much of a totalitarian. What in fuck are you talking about government regulating a voip app?

Matt, you and Paul Joseph Watson should do a live debate. It’s not a ban. I would pay upwards of $20 to see this too btw.