
He could and should switch to https://gab.ai/ an anti-censorship version of Twitter which already has hundreds of thousands of people waitlisted to sign up.

this is literally not a thing except on the internet.

Really I think the most accurate term for me would be counter racist-apologist. Anything less in this thread would be racist-apologist, such as this fellow:

Start writing checks then dickhead.

Took less than 10 seconds to refute this.

You’re a dumb cunt.

Now playing

Speech that incites violence is thoroughly illegal, yet you’ve failed to provide any such incident where a speaker was held accountable for it. It would ultimately help my point anyways, but nevertheless you’ve failed to do it.

What is the painful and inconvenient reality? That 80% of Muslims aren’t banned? That the banned countries are banned because they don’t have stable enough governments to actually ID their own people, hence why Saudi Arabia of all places isn’t banned?

Snowflaky behavior is wigging out over a cast allegedly not having enough diversity, or an actor playing a part while not being the “right” race, or a woman being “too sexualized,” or a woman being too thin, or any “marginalized” person playing a villain.

It’s a ‘targeted Muslim ban’ that doesn’t ban 80% of the world’s Muslims.

Hey well if you’re ever in the DC area hit me up for beers!

Berkley leftists couldn’t tolerate a British gay Jew giving a speech, so they rioted with masks on. So heroic.

I read your comment and my implied response is that your interpretation of what privilege is, is milquetoast. It would not be accepted as adequate by the people I’m referring to.

It’s a well versed ideology. You’re trivializing it as “people who are passionate about a cause.” I’m passionate about animal welfare. That doesn’t make me an SJW.

It doesn’t, but the SJWs, the ANTIFA rioters, the anarchist rioters, the vagina hat wearers, those are the voices drowning out the measured Democrats. In fact if you’re not a firebrand Democrat right now, at best no one is listening, and at worst they’re accusing you of being complicit with Trump for not threatening