Maybe stop being such a moron? Do you have any idea, in spite of the bombing, how much US money been spent building schools in the Middle East?
Maybe stop being such a moron? Do you have any idea, in spite of the bombing, how much US money been spent building schools in the Middle East?
By not denying it outright, you are showing tacit support for kid touchers.
The fact of the matter is that Islam is a both a political and religious ideology, so it’s far easier to categorize acts inspired by Islam as terrorism: they can either be religious in nature, political, or both. So it’s no surprise the Palestinians were the ones to ‘popularize’ modern terror techniques, having both…
Your antagonizing words just drive more Christians to terrorism. Shame on you.
Slacktivism. You dopes will be right back to using Uber in no time.
So wealthy CEOs are the ones we should listen to, just as long as they’re not in the Trump cabinet forgoing their prior salaries.
Don’t give Elizabeth Warren more ideas.
Veiled terroristic threats.
USAF and Russians in a first for Syria are conducting joint operations. I’m sorry you’ve been watching fake news this entire time, but you should consider not being such a fucking stooge by now.
He did. We have access to the exact same internet, yet you’re oblivious. Why might that be?
If you bought a VW, you deserve every second of hassle. European cars are unreliable trash. Sure the nicest S-Class or most beastly M series are excellent luxury items, but the people who can afford them can afford the maintenance schedule and just continue to trade them in for new ones.
LMAO Gizmodo Media Inc peddling a military-industrial complex / war for oil narrative just because Trump is president.
Meanwhile Bill Clinton raped 3 women and not a word from Jezebel ever.
Yep, to people like you it’s literally impossible to win. You want people to be racist. You thrive on it.
DOW 20,000 Matt.
Unfortunately the left (which I call myself a part of) has worked itself up into an even greater frenzy than those on the right who said Kenyan Muslim Obama would have us all living barefoot in a Marxist dystopia.
Kidnapping a wild animal to keep as a kewl pet for your amusement may not be a bad idea, but it does make you a bad person.
Saddam Hussein would approve. Going after (read: murdering) those who were the least enthusiastic about clapping for his speeches.
Aziz Ansari is just awful safe “comedy.” It’s a shame Patrice O’Neal isn’t around to destroy him.