
Jon and Dany both want eachother's support, but disagree on the dynamics (ie. lord or independent ally). Marriage could address that as it has multiple times on GOT (Lannister/Baratheon, Lannister/Tyrell, Martell/Lannister, etc.) and did in The War of the Roses (major inspiration for GOT). If that scene's purpose was

The attraction between Jon and Dany has not come left field for me. From last season, we given the idea that Dany is eyeing using her marriage as a political tool. And with Dany's lost allies and the fact they are not yet aware they are related yet, it seems possible a union between the north and south could warrant

Target demo huh? Mhmm. Suspect.

…Because there would be justification for posting your ex's nudes without consent which, catch this, is illegal?

If you want to insist that the Philippines is a Hispanic country, do you man. Alternative facts are a thing now.

But Filipino people aren't "kinda Hispanic" they aren't Hispanic at all. Calling them Hispanic and noting Spanish cultural influence are two separate things.

And then they picked Picasso when his "genius" was ruthlessly "borrowing" from West African aesthetics and then refusing to admit the obvious influences for years because in his mind he'd magically invented it. And yeah. I'm going to stop talking about this before I get upset.

No. Just no. The Philippines is a former Spanish colony. By this logic, since Nigeria is former British colony, Nigerians would be kind of British. But we aren't. Countries are only Hispanic if they are predominantly Spanish speaking, hence the difference between Latino (geographical location) and Hispanic (language).

Yeah, because Louis C.K. is the standard for non-racist comedy? Y'all kill me sometimes.

This comment is unintentionally really funny.

But really tho, let nobody wonder how Maher got so bold.

Well, speak for you. Cause other black people are fully capable of speaking for ourselves. And I'm not okay with this ish.

SZA tho

Why are people so salty about this?

Aren't you not supposed to feed trolls though?

You sound like someone who would insist on a White History Month because there is a Black History Month. Good to know. Also is it a thing that people are only familiar with one paragraph of the I Had a Dream speech and peaced out on the rest of it along with MLK's other sermons/writings?

Probably his most commercial but gkmd has dull moments?? Like what

Issa bop

Yes oh!

Evaporated milk is milk. It is a common thing to put in black tea (I put it in my tea every morning). It's like having cream in your coffee in Nigeria.