
Fuck Josh Chan.
I can't wait to see Rebecca and Paula destroy him.

Holy shit my parents got sucked into Amway when I was very young and it took them a while to dig themselves out of it.

ABC just tell me if The Real O'Neals is coming back please.

I got my first handy during a drama club cast party while watching the filmed version of Cats. #funfact

I'll watch the shit out of anything with Jackeé in it!

I fucking love her. So glad she's healthy and doing well.
Her interview on Ronna and Beverly is truly one of my favorites.

Those "I Love The" shows honestly shaped my pop culture worldview as a middle schooler.

I wish she did more comedy. The scene where Billy is dating her brother and she berates her aunts for not hating him makes me roll.

My family had that same VHS camera until about 2003 when I begged them to get a high 8 camera, so I could "direct music videos."
I was 13.

I laughed so hard at Millie falling.

I was thinking the same thing.
Aside from the Unforgettable duet, the finale was a caliber of hot mess only beat by How I Met Your Mother.

In a perfect world SMASH would be finishing it's fifth season right about now.

Someone on the Speechless Facebook commented "I wish he had the lisp, then it would be even funnier!"
I'm sure JRB is grateful for the bbt checks, but hates that character.

next to normal?

I was really into Vault soda for a while in high school.

I mean he only has one kidney now.

Carrie Fisher's ashes were put in an urn shaped like a Prozac pill.
Nothing is too soon.
"If life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that is unacceptable."

Ahhhhh! I need to rewatch

I believe it's currently filming, or was recently.
Ana Gasteyer posted from the set on instagram a few weeks ago.